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Can't make progress with the labs.
This is a longish post but I wanted to write down all the details for later reference.
I'm trying to work through the lab exercises here:
My setup is as follows:
I'm running this on Windows 7 / 64b under Parallels virtual machine.
I've got the Anahaim BLY172S-24V-4000 motor hooked to the
BOOSTXL-DRV8301 REVB connected to the
C2000 Piccolo Launchpad LAUCHXL-F28027F.
(Gee who comes up with these names, should they not be
terse, now one is left wondering what are the relevant
parts of the name and what is just marketing BS)
What I've done:
This is a clean install, I had the same problem before so
scrapped that and re-did everything.
I've got the CCS, latest Motorware and GUI Composer
installed (not sure about the versions of those too, fresh download today).
I imported all the above lab projects and compiled them
and then copied the 'proj_lab05a.out' file to
and renamed it to appProgram.out
When I start
from the same folder it seems that the program starts as I get
this output in the window:
Restarting Program Model... Initializing target : C:\ti\guicomposer\eclipse\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\com.ti.binding.program\appConfig.ccxml Connecting target: Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Emulator/C28xx Loading program: C:\ti\guicomposer\webapps\InstaSPIN_F2802xF_UNIVERSAL\appProgram.out
and then I get the screen with entry fields, check boxes etc.
On that screen I check/click (in this order):
(OffsetCalc, already checked)
(ForceAngle, already checked)
I uncheck/click
user.h Params
and finally I check/click
Enable System
Where it goes astray:
After above the motor emits a high note but does not move,
then it starts to rotate slowly and maybe acceleraters
a bit, there is some LED activity, the four blue LEDs
on the launchpad change intesity and the red LED on the
BOOSTXL goes on and off a few times.
At the same time I get error dialog saying:
ERROR : C28xx: Error: (Error -154 @ 0x0)
One of the FTDI driver functions used to write data
returned bad status or an error. (Emulation package
So what am I doing wrong, how should I troubleshoot this
This is not my first and only approach to the problem and
I'm happy to take a different approach. I don't realy
need the GUI composer (already dislike it) but I tried
to run the lab exercises directly from within CCS by
manipulating the variables with the real-time debugger
and the result was sort of similar, something happens
at the boards but the connection to the board is lost.
All I really need to do is to learn to code for FAST/FOC
so that we can see if this is suitable for our application.
Don't want to sound ungrateful but so far this has been
a far cry from the 'spinning in minutes' slogan...
cheers Kusti
I'm sorry you are having tools / driver issues that are making this non-Insta. That sounds like what it is, an XDS100v2 emulation driver issue with your instalation...or maybe your USB cable is bad and is disconnecting. I haven't seen this before with any of the LaunchPads.
I'd try another USB cable first (I used one with a ground loop just because I have one available).
And I assume you have pulled all the jumpers on the LaunchPad per the User's Guide?
Lastly I would try un-installing / re-installing the drivers...maybe under Admin if you didn't before. The drivers in the Universal GUI Composer Install and CCSv5p5 all work fine for everyone else though....very strange.
Just to make sure it isn't an issue with your project settings, attached is proj_lab05a.out built for.
#define USER_MOTOR Anaheim_BLY172S
Hi Chris,
thanks for answering. I'm at home right now (19:30 here in Finland already) but I'll try a different cable tomorrow. Interestingly with the first cable I tried it did not work at all…could it be a power supply issue…we did pull the jumpers, but this could be power usage related one way or other as it seem to disconnect (or whatever it does) when the motor starts to run...
I'll be back.
br Kusti
what power supply are you using?
I have seen the Launch/Boost disconnect before on large transient events (when you pull the voltage bus down below 6V or get a large current surge, this seems to make the Boost lose the Vreg it is providing to the Launch). However, this is running very high short current motors very fast and losing current should not see this at start-up with the Anaheim/Telco motor.
You could see it during a speed reveresal if your power supply isn't high enough current or can't sink any voltage...but no way it will happen at start.
ok, that is no problem at all. Make sure you are powering from the BoosterPack
This seems like a connection issue with JTAG only.
Good Morning Chris,
and a Good morning it is. Based on your hints I had another look at
the jumpers and indeed we had left one of the jumpers in place, removing
that cured the problem. In fact now that I knew what the problem was I was
able to find the explicit instructions to do just that, so this was a case of RTFM,
my bad in the first place.
Thanks a lot for great support as always, you guys are doing a great job in this forum.
While I have the floor let me 'rant' a bit, this is not meant to be negative so
try to read it as constructive feedback.
One of the things that gets people like me, who are supposed to be old hands
and competent, into trouble is the sheer volume of stuff one needs to go through
and I'm not sure that all the things industry (like TI) is doing to help us is really helping.
Having motorware wizards and explorers, complex project structures,
gui builders, javascripting connected to the debugger etc just adds to the complexity
and lots of the documentation pushing you that direction is not that helpful.
At least an old school guy like me would be best served with simple code in a simple
project with ready to run code and printf / terminal emulator to interact with my code.
ATM the lab project structure is rather complex, yeah, it totally makes sense in many ways
but it is not helpful when one is trying to learn this stuff.
Realtime debugger and java scripting probably have their uses and sound 'cool'
but editing code, compiling and having just simple
printf outputs is simpler and gets the job done and requires no learning, after all the audience
are programmers who know how to edit code.
Having things that you need click all over the place
with icons that all look much the same and cannot be communicated in text is not progress IMO.
Don't get me wrong I like Eclipse and I like that TI has moved towards vanilla Eclipse, just make everything
even more vanilla and keep things simple.
And the GUI builder staff is so unnecessary for me, I won't even go there, but I end with the
remark that a lot of the recent years Tool development (and this applies not only TI but the industry in general)
seems to be motivated by marketing and not engineering, I doubt the engineer using the tools
want or need it need but some bright person somewhere came up with the idea that we should be offering all kinds
of wizard and things to support our great chips.
Ok, thanks for listening and great support.
br Kusti
Kusti, glad you found your error.
In regards to your comments, what we have found is everyone has a different opinion on which tools are good, which aren't; which software style is best, which isn't...and trust me, each one of you thinks he or she is right. :)
We are also serving a wide variety of users: the hobbyist who has never spun a motor and may have never touched C code up to the seasoned professional who has been doing inverter designs for 30 years.
We have tried to make a software infrastructure that is extremely flexible to best serve OUR purposes (maximum portability, test-ability, and re-usability across silicon generations, control boards, inverter boards, and application techniques). With that flexibility comes some added complexity...but it is necessary for US to have any chance of making this a sustainable product (and not just a single example on a single control+inverter kit).
We try to supplement the complexity with some management tools:
MotorWare.exe as your guide;
GUIs for instrumentation and to get started w/o having to look too much under the hood;
Adding Configuration Spreadsheet and ErrorChecks for user.h set-up;
Instaspin_labs.pdf which teaches you the software infrastructure, control system, and features in an iterative process;
And yes, when you get started there appears to be an "overkill" of documentation. But in 6 months you'll be asking me why there aren't more details on X though...
Best of luck
Hi Chris,
yes I understand your problem and point of view, I know you have some 100.000 products in your catalog or so your local rep told me!
I know there is no panacea and I know you guys are doing your best between the rock and the hard place.
Still I stand by my view that simple tools and concepts and less of them with good documentation and tutorials are better in teaching people to fish and not just wait for handouts than just adding more layers with wizards and such.
And I know *I'm' right no matter what the other guys say ;)
Ok, enough of that, thanks for the help, now back to tuning the motor as it already spins!
br Kusti