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Processor is an F28335.
Getting this error when trying to download code:
C28xx: Error connecting to the target: (Error -1015 @ 0x0) Device is not responding to the request. Device may be locked, or the debug probe connection may be unreliable. Unlock the device if possible (e.g. use wait in reset mode, and power-cycle the board). If error persists, confirm configuration and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK). (Emulation package 5.1.641.0)
Started to get this error message this afternoon. What does it mean? I can't find any documentation for it. I suspect the device may well be permanently locked... Is there anyway of finding out?
The connectivity from the JTAG is fine, the issue seems to be a Locked Device...
I've seen the Uniflash tool and wondered if I can unlock using this? The problem is I have never set a password and wouldn't know what it is - unless there is a default?
Hi Mike,
As suggested in error message, please use "Wait in reset mode" (or Wait BOOT) to power-up the device and then you should be able to connect to JTAG if issue is related to "LOCK".
Once connected, please check the value at password location in Flash (refer TRM for the address) using CCS memory watch window. If you see all the content as 0x0 then device is indeed LOCK.
Vivek Singh
Hi Mike,
"Wait in reset mode" need to be supported by emulator. It's basically driving the EMU0/EMU1 pins on the devices with proper value which is supported by some emulator.
Alternatively, you could also use the "Branch to check boot mode" option by setting the BOOT Mode pins as mentioned in table below to connect to device.
Vivek Singh
Hi Mike,
I need to check about XDS200.
On BOOT Mode table, it's on page 21 (Table 2-2. Boot Mode Selection) of Boot ROM Reference Guide.
Vivek Singh
Hi Mike,
If it's not a permanent lock - what would I need to do to get it unlocked?
Device get locks in two conditions.
1) Somthing get programmed in password locations in Flash - This happens due to wrong .out file which intentionally programs the password locations in flash. User could try to check the map file to see if anything mapped to password location address and if yes, then try to extract the password values from .out file and enter those values into KEYx register (in CCS Flash plug-in GUI) to UNLOCK the device.
2) 128bit password value in Flash get programmed with value 0x0 - This could happen if flash operation got interrupted due to power loss or for some other reason.
In both the cases, content in Flash (including passwords) as well as secure RAM will be seen as 0x0 in CCS memory watch window. So it'll be difficult to say what is causing the error. If there is nothing mapped at CSM password locations in map file then one need to assume that it's case -2 and device need to be replaced.
If you find that content in Flash are not 0x0 then device is not LOCK and there could be some hardware issue on board which is preventing the JTAG connection.
Vivek Singh
Look like you have not connected to CCS hence getting this message. Can you confirm if you are able to connect to CCS?
Vivek Singh