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The subject line has the whole question, but a little background...I need an air-tight, rock solid, secure way to update a 28069, in the field, without ever exposing the CSM passwords, or any code. My plan is to keep the bootloader and encryption code in sector A. I'll have application code in Sector B &C. In theory, my sequence will look like this:
Another post indicated that one could clear the CSM passwords to 0sFFFF by erasing sector A only, but leaving the other sectors alone. Doesn't that then expose my unencrypted source in sectors B-H?
Thanks in advance...
Yes, erasing Flash Sector A to delete the CSM passwords will expose content of all the Flash Sectors as well as secure RAMs. Device security gets enable by programming the passwords in Flash Sector A and if it's erased then device is no more secure.
Vivek Singh
To erase any sector on secure device, the API need to be run from secure RAM and if you think someone could use your bootloader and follow the step you mention and then erase the Sector A, then yes you are right. BTW, letting anyone download a code into SECURE RAM using your bootloader is not good.
Vivek Singh
I don't ever intend to unlock in the the field, or allow anyone access to the part, for that matter. My concern was more about malicious attempts: say someone erasing Sector A via the boot ROM and/or unsecure RAM, (or through the JTAG/emulator), and then stealing our code from the other sectors. If I read your last post correctly that isn't possible, once the device has been locked?
(I do intend to run everything from secure RAM, but want to be sure that all backdoor approaches to stealing our code were blocked. If I'm not sure about the security being completely secure, we might just disallow field firmware updates altogether, rather than potentially risk exposing the code to any reverse engineering attempts)
Thanks again,
I understand that you'll not be unlocking the device in field for the upgrade but how are you planning to prevent someone else from using following method to download the code into SECURE RAM area?
bootloader copies the Flash API to secure RAM area 1 (because the ROM can't access secured RAM)
Vivek Singh
Ok, I mis-understood that your bootloader is getting the API from outside. This look fine to me.
Vivek Singh
Yes. That may still be a problem. I followed the instructions in that earlier thread, but the email was bounced back to my junk folder yesterday.
Is there another point-of-contact for getting the relocatable/securable API source?
(I'm in Texas, if that affects who the contact is)
You should be able to find the API in controlSUITE release, under folder "<controlSUITE_Install_Folder>\libs\utilities\flash_api\2806x\v100\lib\".
Vivek Singh