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Hi Everyone!
From spruh18e, it seems that one can bypass the low-end duty cycle range limitation by disabling HR period and setting up the timer in count-down mode. Here is the relevant section, on page 382:
If the application demands HRPWM operation in the low percent duty cycle region, then the HRPWM can be configured to operate in count-down mode with the rising edge position (REP) controlled by the MEP when high-resolution period is disabled (HRPCTL[HRPE] = 0). This is illustrated in Figure 4-8. In this case, low percent duty limitation is no longer an issue. However, there will be a maximum duty limitation with same percent numbers as given in Table 4-5
There's also an illustration, showing this setup and the duty cycle limit only being at the top of the ramp, but I can't attach that here.
I can't seem to get this to work- has anyone else here done it? I have other HRPWM channels operating, but I'm missing something about this one. I'm trying to set it up in ePWM3, as 1 and 2 are otherwise being used. My setup code is provided below:
SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.TBCLKSYNC = 0; // Before setting up HRPWM, we need to disable PWM sync
EPwm3Regs.TBCTL.bit.CLKDIV = 0; // ePWM3- Set PWM Frequency to 200kHz, count down mode, set at 0, clear at PRD
EPwm3Regs.TBCTL.bit.HSPCLKDIV = 0;
EPwm3Regs.TBPRD = Command_Period;
EPwm3Regs.TBCTL.bit.CTRMODE = 1;
EPwm3Regs.AQCTLA.bit.ZRO = 1; // Set PWM channel 3A to go hi on falling compare, low on rising
EPwm3Regs.AQCTLA.bit.CAD = 2;
EPwm3Regs.HRCNFG.all = 0x0; // Clear all bits
EPwm3Regs.HRCNFG.bit.AUTOCONV = 1; // Automatically scale HRPWM period to the HRMSTEP that SFO() finds
EPwm3Regs.HRCNFG.bit.SELOUTB = 0; // 3B is not 3A inverted
EPwm3Regs.HRCNFG.bit.HRLOAD = 0; // Load the shadow register on CTR = 0
EPwm3Regs.HRCNFG.bit.CTLMODE = 0; // CMPAHR(8) or TBPRDHR(8) Register controls the edge position (i.e., this is duty or period control mode)
EPwm3Regs.HRCNFG.bit.EDGMODE = 1; // HRPWM precision edge control on rising edge only
EPwm3Regs.HRPCTL.bit.TBPHSHRLOADE = 0; // Disallow HR sync
EPwm3Regs.HRPCTL.bit.HRPE = 0; // Disallow HR Period Control
SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.TBCLKSYNC = 1; // Re-enable PWM sync with system clock
SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.HRPWMENCLK = 1; // Start the HRPWM Clock
EPwm3Regs.TBCTL.bit.PHSEN = 1; // ePWM3 disable synchronization
EPwm3Regs.TBCTL.bit.SYNCOSEL = 0; // ePWM3 passes through sync of ePWM1
EPwm3Regs.TBPHS.half.TBPHS = 0; // ePWM3 goes to counter of this upon sync
EPwm3Regs.TBCTL.bit.PHSDIR = 1; // Start counting up after sync
And this is in the interrupt:
EPwm3Regs.CMPA.all = (long) (V_Command* (float)Command_Period*65536);
Where the command period is my pwm cycle period and vcommand is a 0 to 1 float
The CMPA.all register is being loaded correctly- I'm getting the form 0xYYYYYY00 where the Y's are the command information.
The PWM even works when I go to 0x00010000, but if I drop below, 0x0000FF00 for example, I get nothing.
Can anyone spot what I've done wrong?
Hi Bharathi!
Not quite- 0x0000FF00 produces continuous low, but 0x00000000 is just shy of 0x00010000.