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Hi Everyone,
                         I  was going through the examples of McBSP examples of TMS320F28335 Then, i saw this InitSysCtrl(); . This function was called in my main function. So, i just  wanted to see body of this function. He also says it is found in DSP2833x_SysCtrl.c file. So, where can i find this file in the control suite folder?? Can you please let me know the path location!!

Where do i find this below  files in the control suite folder???

DSP2833x_SysCtrl.c file

DSP2833x_Gpio.c file 

DSP2833x_PieCtrl.c file

DSP2833x_PieVect.c file

I found the path for the header files(.h) but, i was not able to find the source files(.c).

So, can you please let me know the path to find the .c files??

Waiting for your reply earliest!!

Thanks & Regards

Naveen Chandra

  • Hi Naveen,

    For the SysCtrl.c file see:  C:\TI\controlSUITE\device_support\f2833x\v140\DSP2833x_common\source.

    To get a deeper understanding of ControlSUITE, please take time to review:



  • Hi Jeff,
    Thanks for your input. I was able to find all the .c files. Also, i will go through the link mentioned by you.

    Thanks & Regards
    Naveen Chandra
  • Hi Jeff,

    Am working on McBSP protocol for TMS320F28335 and i have couple of queries mentioned below. Kindly have a look and give me your inputs.

    Master DSP has TX1 & RX1

    Slave1 DSP has TX2 & RX2...Slave2 DSP has TX3 & RX3...Slave3 DSP has TX4 & RX4.. Slave4 DSP has TX5 & RX5.

    My main objective of using the McBSP protocol is that i need to send the data from my master to all the slaves at the same time and receive the data from all the salves at the same time. Each dsp will take it's own time to do some operations. But, transmitting the data to all the slaves should be done at the same time and receiving data from all the slaves should be done at the same time.

    I have 1 master DSP and 4 slave DSP's . I want to transmit the data to all the slaves at the same time. As i was going through the datasheet of TMS320F28335 McBSP i did not find the anything related to the selection of slave. But, i found something realted to the TDM. Here, i can transmit the data on the bus and all the slave dsp's will receive data via the bus at the same time.!! This is my understanding after reading. Please correct if am wrong. Now, my questions are below as follows.

    1. How will come to know the data transmitted from my master has been recieved by all the slaves at the same time or not?

    2.If data has not recieved by the slave. Then, how is error handling done??

    3. How will all the slaves send to the data to the master at the same time??

    Waiting for your inputs at the earliest!!

    Thanks & Regards

    Naveen Chandra
  • Hi Naveen,

    Take a close look at chapter 5 in the 2833x McBSP Reference Guide.  TDM is an efficient way to communicate to support multiple channels of data.  Your error handling and data completion will be in the protocol that you define.

    I have not tried using the McBSP with multiple devices but your approach seems valid.  Below is a slide from the 2833x multi-day workshop.


  • Hi Jeff,
    Thanks a lot for your input. This will be really helpful in my project.

    Thanks & Regards
    Naveen Chandra