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TMS32028035 Trouble Reading Register PC: (Error -1142 @ 0x0) 0x3FF599 (no symbols are defined for 0x3FF599)

Dear Supplier,

I'm using  Code Composer Studio Version: and DPLibv3_4Template-F2803x to develop my firmware.

1- In Project Explorer I'm performing COPY of the project DPLibv3_4Template-F2803x, PASTE and RENAME.

2- I run the copied project and it works well.

3- I perform changes in the original code to perform tasks according to my application: ADC configuration, PWM etc...

4- I test the modified code and my code works well.

5- I close code composer studio and restart my laptop.

6 - I open code composer studio and run my project (the same that was working before closing CCS), the following problem happens:

Trouble Reading Register PC: (Error -1142 @ 0x0)

Device blocked debug access because it is currently executing non-debuggable code. Choose 'Rude Retry' to disable polite mode and force the operation.

(Emulation package 6.0.407.3)

0x3FF599 (no symbols are defined for 0x3FF599)

7 - I run again the original project DPLibv3_4Template-F2803x without my changes and it works well.

8 - I run my modified project and it runs correctly.

What could be the reason for this problem?

  • Hello,
    You look to be running in real-time mode. When real-time mode is enabled, emulation and debug accesses are normally blocked so depending on what you are trying to do, the debugger may be trying to make accesses which are blocked.

    More information here:

    Best Regards
  • Thanks for the answer,

    my problem was running DELAY_US(ADC_usDELAY) before memcpy (&RamfuncsRunStart, &RamfuncsLoadStart, (Uint32) &RamfuncsLoadSize) and InitFlash();;

    after changing the order memcpy (&RamfuncsRunStart, &RamfuncsLoadStart, (Uint32) and InitFlash() before DELAY_US(ADC_usDELAY) now it is working normally.