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I was using F28069M GPIO pins for reading the value of a switch but after a while the microcontroller broke and gets hot. The method I was using was pulling up the specific GPIO and selecting it as an input and then reading the current value of the GPIO. I read in some of the forums that the internal pull-up of the F28069M is kind of active and is different with using a resistor, so I'm afraid that I've short circuited the GPIO and it caused the failure!! The circuit I used and the codes are as below, it worth mentioning that I've been using the same circuit for dozen of other microcontrollers and never had a problem like this.
Hi Milad,
Milad said:The method I was using was pulling up the specific GPIO and selecting it as an input and then reading the current value of the GPIO.
Did you use an external resistor as pull up? If yes, what was the value and at what voltage level was it pulled up to?
Milad said:Hi Gautam, No, I'm only using the internal pull-up of the F28069M for the GPIO(as written also in the code above). I'm pretty sure that this was the cause of the failure of my microcontroller.
How're you so sure? The currents are in micro amps, refer:TMS320F28335, GPIO internal pull up/pull down resistor values - C2000 microcontrollers forum - C2000...
Can you explain what exactly you feel might've gone wrong?
Milad said:The currents are in level of micro amps, but it doesn't mean that it can not hurt the GPIO unit.
Until you try to sink or source currents excessive of 4mA!
Milad said:I activated this feature for a Dip-switch
You didn't mention this before. Can you share the circuit diagram of this section? How is this dip switch connected to the GPIO?
I wouldn't expect the internal pulls to be damaged from a direct connection to VDDIO or VSSA.
It could be that one of the GPIO pins is accidentally configured to output mode and sees a short to GND through the switch while outputting high.
One experiment that you can try is to replace the DIP switches to GND with some resistors around 5kΩ in value.
If the GPIO is configured correctly (input mode with pull-up), you should never see the voltage on the pin get over ~1V.
If you see VDDIO, then the pin is actively driving out.
Values between ~1.5V and VDDIO would lead me to suspect that there is some electrical damage to the GPIO.