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CCS/TMS320F28027: TMS320F28027

Part Number: TMS320F28027
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LAUNCHXL-F28027F, TMDSCNCD28027F, CONTROLSUITE

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I have 2 Epos 4 50/15 modules and a C2000 Piccolo kit. I need to set communication between them. How can i achieve this ?

  • Hello,

    Are you referring to the Maxon Motor EPOS4? It looks like you have multiple options. Please refer to the Hardware Guide and Manuals for the EPOS4 and then compare with the F2802x Datsheet and user manuals for compatible communication protocols. From my investigation, it appears that the module can use CAN, RS232, and USB.

    Which F2802x Piccolo Kit do you have? The LAUNCHXL-F28027F? The TMDSCNCD28027F controlCard? This series of microcontroller does not have CAN or USB. Have you considered using the F2803x device? This has an on-chip CAN module and a port of CANOpen is available and supported by Simma Software.
  • Firstly, thank you so much..

    Yes Maxon Motor EPOS4.I try to communication with RS232. But i have an issue. Sci_echoback not working. Its an example inside ControlSUITE. .s 

    GPIO28 and GPIO29 are not working to serial communication .s what is the problem ? Do you know about smt. about this issue?

  • Can you share which version of controlSUITE that you have? Did you make any changes to the example code before running it? If you can share what board you are using that would be useful as well.
  • ControlSuite v3.4.6. I'm using LAUNCHXL-F28377S board. I change nothing from example code. It set GPIO28 and GPIO29 for Rx and Tx. So i connected pin which are J7-65 and J7-64. Am i wrong ?
  • Are you trying to run F28027 code on the LAUNCHXL-F28377S board? I am very confused. The F28027 and F28377S are very different devices and even though some of the peripherals are the same between the devices, the System Control and Clocking are very different.

    Can you provide the following information:
    Which launchpad you are using. Are you using the LAUNCHXL-F28027F?
    Which example code you are using. Please provide the path like the one shown below.
  • No i dont use it. I'm using LAUNCHXL-F28377S.

  • OK. now I understand what board and SW you are running. The initial title of this post and your first questions did not accurately show this information.

    To the issue at hand. Please refer to SPRUI25 the LAUNCHXL-F28377S Overview User Guide for the schematic of the board and look at which GPIOs with SCI functions are routed to the BoosterPack Headers. It looks like you might have a few options. You will need to adjust your software to use those GPIOs and configure the muxes accordingly.
  • I try ..

    My Rx and Tx pins.. GPIO19->J8-75   GPIO18->J8-76  

    GPIO_SetupPinMux(19, GPIO_MUX_CPU2, 1);
    GPIO_SetupPinOptions(19, GPIO_INPUT, GPIO_PUSHPULL);
    GPIO_SetupPinMux(18, GPIO_MUX_CPU2, 1);
    GPIO_SetupPinOptions(18, GPIO_OUTPUT, GPIO_ASYNC);

    And my clock signal;


    And i use scib...

    But communication is still not working ..

    Refer : LAUNCHXL-F28377S Overview User's Guide

    Table 4. F28377S LaunchPad Pin Out and Pin Mux Options - J8, J6

  • Ok, so it looks like you have selected valid GPIOs that are available on the LAUNCHXL-F28377S board, but your GPIO configuration is not quite correct. Please refer to other example code that is available in controlSUITE for the proper configurations, and the datasheet to find the GPIO mux postion. This seems to be the root of the issue.

    1. You are trying to assign the pins to CPU2, this will not work as the device is a single core and there is no second CPU! Use GPIO_MUX_CPU1 instead.
    2. The SCIB signals are at the mux position 2, not 1. See the rows for GPIO18 and GPIO19 in Table 4-1 Signal Descriptions in the Datasheet.
    3. Did you also modify the testcase to use SciabRegs instead of SciaRegs when making your edits?