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CCS/TMDSCNCD28035ISO: Problem of connection with the docking station and control card TMDSCNCD28035ISO

Part Number: TMDSCNCD28035ISO
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDSDOCK28035, , TMDSCNCD28035

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hi all,

I'm trying disperately to connect my docking station (TMDSDOCK28035) with the control card CC2803X ISO DIMM REV 1.3 (TMDSCNCD28035ISO) mounted without success.

Error: C28xx: Error connecting to the target: Error 0x80000200/-1135 Fatal Error during: OCS,  Unrecoverable emulation error 

Code composer studio C5.3.0.00090

JTAG emulator: Spectrum Digital XDS510LC

I tried with a jumper put on the J8 of the docking, and the result is always the same. I tried all configuration of the SW2 and SW3 of the control card... Nothing is running...

I as well tried to connect using the version 7 of CCS, same result... 

Thanks in advance for your help, I don't know what to do and the time passes :-(


  • Hi Steve,

    This configuration you are using has a xds100v1 emulator on the docking station and a xds100v1 emulator on the ControlCard. Which one are you trying to connect to?

    If you are attempting to connect to the ControlCard one make sure that USBs are connected to both the baseboard and the ControlCard to provide the needed power to both.

    Your target configuration may be another good thing to check. Follow the steps in the C2000™ DIMM100 Experimenter's Kit Overview:

    5. Open CCS and create a new target configuration, Target → New Target Configuration…
    6. Choose the title of your new configuration to be xds100v1-f28X (where X is the part number of the
    C2000 MCU that is being worked with, for example F28035. Use the shared location.
    7. Choose the device that goes with your kit. In CCS, the onboard emulator is called the Texas
    Instruments XDS100v1 USB Emulator.
    8. Choose the connection as Texas Instruments xds100v1 USB Debug Probe (or Emulator). In the Board
    or Device field, select the C2000 device that is on your controlCARD.

    Hope this helps,


    My mistake, the docking station's emulator will not be able to be used with this setup. You will need to connect to the ControlCard xds100v1 since it is isolated. That being said you will also need USB connection for both the docking station and the ControlCard.

  • Hi Kevin,

    thank you very much for your answer... I can now download my application in the device. And as I know, this is not possible to work with my Spectrum Digital XDS510LC emulator.

    I have another ControlCard TMDSCNCD28035 R1.2 which runs with the same processor F28035. Does this one running with the Spectrum Digital XDS510LC emulator?

    Thank you very much again for your help.


  • Hi Steve,

    That is correct. The TMDSCNCD28035 R1.2 along with the DIMM100 dock should have no issues using that emulator. That ControlCard has no on-board JTAG debug probe and depends on the dock's JTAG or an external JTAG (your xds510LC).
