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CCS/TMS320F28051: TMS320F28051

Part Number: TMS320F28051

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I just received my new board mounted with TMS320F28051 and try to connect my XDS510LC to it through the JTAG connector. It is not possible to connect to it:
C28xx: Error connecting to the target: Error 0x80000220/-1135 Fatal Error during: Execution, OCS, Unrecoverable emulation error
I as well have the XDS100v2 which runs correctly.

Any idea why it is not running with the XDS510LC?

Additional information: I'm using CCS V7.3

Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Steve,

    Are the drivers installed correctly? Did you check Device Manager?

  • Hi Gautam,

    I suppose the driver is installed correctly:



  • Hi Steve

    Can you share what options you pick in Target Configuration and what you get when you run Test Connection?

  • Hi Nabil,

    Here is the ccxml file:

    As you can see, I can't test the connection...

    I as well made test with the XDS510USB and got the following result:

    [Start: Spectrum Digital XDS510USB Emulator_0]

    Execute the command:

    %ccs_base%/emulation/drivers/sdjtag.exe -f %boarddatafile% -v -X reset -X scantest


    ** BoardFilePath: C:\Users\gigste\AppData\Local\TEXASI~1\CCS\CCS7_3_0\0\0\BrdDat\testBoard.dat
    ** Resetting Emulator
    -- Emulator is Reset
    ** Emulator Scan Test
    IR ScanError IRLength0=144,IRLength1=1

    [End: Spectrum Digital XDS510USB Emulator_0]

    Thanks for your help...


  • Steve

    The Test Connection option not being available usually means CCS doesnt see the emulator. Can you try disconnecting all other USB connections to this PC including the XDS100 and try again? Also try to avoid any USB hubs.

    Could try on another PC as well.
