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RTOS/TMS320F28335: C28xx: Flash Programmer: Error encountered when writing to flash memory error

Part Number: TMS320F28335
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDSDOCK28335, UNIFLASH

Tool/software: TI-RTOS

Hi, I'm a new at TMS320F28335 .

I tried to experiment for MicroC/OS II in my F28335.

I downloaded MicroC/OS from my co-worker and apply it to F28335 using CCS.

everything was OK at that time. 

But After I modified  app.c file in MicroC/OS that I added JUST A ONE task to , The Machine hasn't  work anymore (even hello.c)

I killed three F28335 in the same way.

Please help me . I hope to revive it.

----Added task----

(void *)0,
(CPU_STK *)&App_TaskAttestStk[0],
(CPU_STK *)&App_TaskAttestStk[APP_CFG_TASK_STK_SIZE - 1u],
(void *)0,

static void App_Task5 (void *p_arg)
MD5_CTX context;
MD5_CTX context1;
INT32U i = 0;
INT16U j = 0;
INT16U *base = 0x00300000;
unsigned int rand_num;
unsigned long order;
unsigned char out[16];
INT16U key=0x1234;
INT32U time;
//INT16U key;
while (DEF_TRUE) {
printf("App_Task5 Start\n");
//scanf("%x", &key);
time = OSTimeGet();
char check[128] = {0, };
i = 0;
j = 0;
prng_seed_bytes(&key, 1);
while(i < 128){
prng_get_bytes(&rand_num, 1);
//rand_num = prng_get_octet();
order = rand_num % 256;
//printf("%x, %u, %x, %d\n", rand_num, rand_num, order, order);
if(check[order] == 0)
//printf("%d\n", order);
check[order] = 1;
MD5Update(&context, base + order*0x800, 0x800);
MD5Final(out, &context);
time = OSTimeGet() - time;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
printf ("%02x", out[i]);
printf("execution time(ms) : %lu\n", time);
printf("j : %d\n",j);
printf("App_Task5 Finish\n");
OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 10, 0);

---error message ---

C28xx: Flash Programmer: Error encountered when writing to flash memory
C28xx: File Loader: Memory write failed: Unknown error
C28xx: GEL: File: C:\Users\Oh\Desktop\Micrium (2)\Micrium\Examples\TI\TMDSDOCK28335\OS2\CCS\Debug\OS2.out: Load failed.

  • Lee,

    You probably need to provide better description of your problem. Error message makes me to believe you were not able to program flash memory. Am I correct?

    Are you having this problem after you programmed OS with new task into flash (or) you never got to program the flash to begin with?

    Is your device password protected?

  • Hi, Manoj Santha Mohan

    Sorry for late

    1) yes.

    2) yes. I can tell you steps what I did

    1] just downloaded the Micro/OS Program for F28335

    2] clicked "import CCS Projects"

    3] loaded the OS

    4] edited Micro/OS code added 1 task. I haven't mentioned that I edited F28335_Link.cmd too. I changed F28335_Link.cmd to F28335_Flash_Link.cmd

    5] clicked Debug

    6] All of the program doesn't work.

    There are two kinds of error.

    first error] When I don't use a flash memory. (It looks like working, but it's not worked. Console has to say "Hello World!")

    second error] When I use Flash memory (Load Program error)

    edited F28335_Link.cmd 

    * F28335 Linker Script
    * TI C28x
    * TI C28x Linker
    * Filename : F28335_Link.cmd
    * Version : V1.00
    * Programmer(s) : JFT
    * Note(s) : (1) Heavily based on '28335_RAM_link.cmd' by Texas Instruments.

    * Note(s) : (1) PAGE 0 will be used for program sections.
    * (2) PAGE 1 will be used for data sections.
    * (3) Blocks in PAGE 0 are mirrored in PAGE 1, there is no need to define them twice.
    * (4) This linker script doesn't define memory regions for the IQMath library.

    /* Program Memory. */
    PAGE 0:
    BEGIN : origin = 0x33FFF6, length = 0x000002
    RAMM0 : origin = 0x000050, length = 0x0003B0

    RAMLP : origin = 0x008000, length = 0x005000
    FLASH : origin = 0x300000, length = 0x03FF80
    CSM_RSVD : origin = 0x33FF80, length = 0x000076 /* Part of FLASHA. Program with all 0x0000 when ... */
    /* ... CSM is in use. */
    CSM_PWL : origin = 0x33FFF8, length = 0x000008 /* Part of FLASHA. CSM password locations in FLASHA */
    ADC_CAL : origin = 0x380080, length = 0x000009

    BOOTROM : origin = 0x3FF27C, length = 0x000D44
    VECTORS : origin = 0x3FFFC0, length = 0x000040
    /* Data Memory. */
    PAGE 1 :
    BOOT_RSVD : origin = 0x000002, length = 0x00004E /* Part of M0, BOOT rom will use this for stack. */
    RAMM1 : origin = 0x000400, length = 0x000400
    RAML4 : origin = 0x00C000, length = 0x001000 /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
    RAML5 : origin = 0x00D000, length = 0x003000 /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
    PIE_VRAM : origin = 0x000D00, length = 0x000100

    * Note(s) : (1) This block maps the linker defined sections to the previously defined memory regions.

    /* Program sections. */
    ram_start : > BEGIN, PAGE = 0 /* codestart branches to c_int00(). */
    ramfuncs : > RAMLP, PAGE = 0
    .cio : > RAMLP, PAGE = 0
    .text : > FLASH, PAGE = 0
    .cinit : > FLASH, PAGE = 0
    .pinit : > FLASH, PAGE = 0
    .switch : > FLASH, PAGE = 0
    /* Default reset handler. Not used. */
    .reset : > VECTORS, PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT
    /* Data sections. */
    .stack : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1
    pie_vram : > PIE_VRAM, PAGE = 1
    .ebss : > RAML5, PAGE = 1
    .econst : > FLASH, PAGE = 0
    .esysmem : > RAML4, PAGE = 1
    /* 128-bit CSM Password. Not used. */
    csm_rsvd : > CSM_RSVD, PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT
    csmpasswds : > CSM_PWL, PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT
    /* ADC Calibration. */
    .adc_cal : load = ADC_CAL, PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD

    3) No, It's not protected.

    I already tried Depletion Recovery with UniFlash, but Console said to me "Error when performing depletion recovery". and also 'Erase Flash' didn't work.

    I don't know which program made the chip broke. (Edited Micro/COs or Edited  F28335_Link.cmd )

    Thank you for your Comment. It's will be a great hope for me.

  • Lee,

    Can you send the snapshot of the error message you receive when you run depletion recovery and Erase Flash?

    I'm wondering whether flash is in depletion.

  • Manoj,

    Here are two error messages below. First one is when I clicked the depletion button.  Another one is when I clicked the erase button.

    Thank you for your help

  • Junsu,

    A few questions:

    1. One of the screenshots you posted shows that you are using an "TI XDS100v1 USB Debug Probe", is that what you are actually using on your F28335 board? Since we don't support the v1 version in UniFlash, did you choose v2 instead when using UniFlash?

    2. Can you check if you can read the flash memory addresses (0x300000 - 0x33FFFF)? Specifically, make sure the password locations (0x33FFF8 - 0x33FFFF) are readable. You can use either CCS or UniFlash to do this.

    3. In UniFlash, can you try generating the "Debug Server Logs" for the case where you are clicking the erase button?

  • 1. Yes , I chose V2 when using UniFlash . and actually I'd also used v2 when I edited code using CCS. The screenshot was wrong because at that time, I debug the code in another computer that using v1 configuration. (v2 configuration also made error)

    2. I think I can read this area.




    0x33FFF8 - 0x33FFFF 

    3.  yep , I attach them ( depletion error and erase_error) . Thanks in advance 

    15:49:53:063 log - NWAgentAPI: dinfraConfigue resolved successfully.
    15:49:53:539 error - {}
    15:50:09:515 debug - Target Configuration. Device: f28335, Connection: TIXDS100v2_Connection, LP: false
    15:50:09:699 debug - ufDS, session.configured, partnum of current session = tms320f28335
    15:50:09:759 debug - addTargetStateListener on C28xx
    15:50:17:172 debug - returning new configure
    15:50:23:877 debug - configured
    15:50:23:878 debug - returning cached configure
    15:50:25:147 debug - connect to core C28xx
    15:50:25:174 debug - InitMemoryBrowser {"pageInfoList":[{"isDefault":false,"mauSize":16,"name":"Program","wordSize":16},{"isDefault":true,"mauSize":16,"name":"Data","wordSize":16},{"isDefault":false,"mauSize":16,"name":"IO","wordSize":16},{"isDefault":false,"mauSize":8,"name":"Peripheral","wordSize":32}]}
    15:50:25:174 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:50:25:174 debug - , options=undefined
    15:50:25:175 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=0, rowCount=150, page=Data
    15:50:25:175 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:50:25:175 debug - returning cached configure
    15:50:38:449 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:50:38:449 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=196458, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:50:38:449 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:50:38:449 debug - returning cached configure
    15:50:59:334 debug - memory browser: loadDown
    15:50:59:334 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=196758, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:50:59:334 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:50:59:334 debug - returning cached configure
    15:51:15:688 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:51:15:688 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212841, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:51:15:688 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:51:15:688 debug - returning cached configure
    15:51:45:192 debug - memory browser: loadUp
    15:51:45:192 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212691, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:51:45:192 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:51:45:192 debug - returning cached configure
    15:52:07:126 debug - memory browser: loadDown
    15:52:07:126 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212991, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:52:07:126 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:52:07:126 debug - returning cached configure
    15:53:27:521 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:53:27:521 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=196458, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:53:27:522 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:53:27:522 debug - returning cached configure
    15:53:37:006 debug - memory browser: loadDown
    15:53:37:006 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=196758, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:53:37:006 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:53:37:006 debug - returning cached configure
    15:53:40:588 debug - memory browser: loadDown
    15:53:40:588 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=196908, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:53:40:588 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:53:40:589 debug - returning cached configure
    15:53:50:663 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:53:50:663 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212841, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:53:50:663 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:53:50:663 debug - returning cached configure
    15:54:51:523 debug - returning cached configure
    15:54:51:525 debug - returning cached configure
    15:54:51:659 debug - InitMemoryBrowser {"pageInfoList":[{"isDefault":false,"mauSize":16,"name":"Program","wordSize":16},{"isDefault":true,"mauSize":16,"name":"Data","wordSize":16},{"isDefault":false,"mauSize":16,"name":"IO","wordSize":16},{"isDefault":false,"mauSize":8,"name":"Peripheral","wordSize":32}]}
    15:54:51:659 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:54:51:659 debug - , options=undefined
    15:54:51:660 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=0, rowCount=150, page=Data
    15:54:51:660 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:54:51:660 debug - returning cached configure
    15:55:02:096 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:55:02:096 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212841, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:55:02:096 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:55:02:096 debug - returning cached configure
    15:56:22:772 debug - memory browser: loadUp
    15:56:22:772 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212691, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:56:22:772 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:56:22:773 debug - returning cached configure
    15:56:28:807 debug - memory browser: loadUp
    15:56:28:807 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212541, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:56:28:807 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:56:28:807 debug - returning cached configure
    15:56:33:363 debug - memory browser: loadUp
    15:56:33:363 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212391, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:56:33:363 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:56:33:363 debug - returning cached configure
    15:56:37:273 debug - memory browser: loadUp
    15:56:37:273 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212241, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:56:37:273 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:56:37:273 debug - returning cached configure
    15:56:48:781 debug - memory browser: loadUp
    15:56:48:781 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212091, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:56:48:781 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:56:48:781 debug - returning cached configure
    15:56:59:093 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:56:59:093 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=208746, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:56:59:093 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:56:59:093 debug - returning cached configure
    15:57:07:216 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:57:07:216 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=204650, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:57:07:216 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:57:07:217 debug - returning cached configure
    15:57:15:360 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:57:15:360 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=200554, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:57:15:360 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:57:15:360 debug - returning cached configure
    15:57:20:576 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:57:20:576 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=196458, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:57:20:576 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:57:20:576 debug - returning cached configure
    15:58:17:073 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:58:17:073 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=200554, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:58:17:073 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:58:17:073 debug - returning cached configure
    15:58:23:563 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:58:23:563 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=200554, rowCount=300, page=Program
    15:58:23:563 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:58:23:563 debug - returning cached configure
    15:58:43:560 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:58:43:560 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212841, rowCount=300, page=Program
    15:58:43:560 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:58:43:561 debug - returning cached configure
    15:58:56:221 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:58:56:221 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212841, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:58:56:221 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:58:56:221 debug - returning cached configure
    15:59:14:072 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:59:14:072 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=200554, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:59:14:072 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:59:14:072 debug - returning cached configure
    16:01:31:311 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    16:01:31:311 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=204650, rowCount=300, page=Data
    16:01:31:311 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    16:01:31:311 debug - returning cached configure
    16:13:59:867 debug - SettingsButtonPressed. Call: performOperation, Action: Erase
    16:13:59:870 debug - returning cached configure
    16:14:01:796 error - Error executing current operation. Please check the console for additional error information.
    16:14:50:775 debug - AddQuickSetting. id: F28335 Flash Settings, type: category, core: C28xx
    16:15:31:385 info - Fetching settings for settings.ufsettings
    16:16:13:203 debug - returning cached configure
    16:16:28:781 debug - returning cached configure
    16:16:31:779 debug - returning cached configure
    16:17:02:412 debug - returning cached configure
    16:24:00:446 debug - window resized, viewHeight = 359.5
    16:24:00:478 debug - window resized, viewHeight = 359
    16:24:00:597 debug - window resized, viewHeight = 359.5
    16:24:07:438 debug - session service: new()
    16:24:14:623 error - {}
    16:25:28:624 debug - Target Configuration. Device: f28335, Connection: TIXDS100v2_Connection, LP: false
    16:25:28:773 debug - ufDS, session.configured, partnum of current session = tms320f28335
    16:25:28:790 debug - addTargetStateListener on C28xx
    16:26:00:663 debug - returning cached configure
    16:26:42:325 debug - SettingsButtonPressed. Call: performOperation, Action: Erase
    16:26:42:327 debug - returning cached configure
    16:26:43:036 debug - connect to core C28xx
    16:26:44:874 error - Error executing current operation. Please check the console for additional error information.
    16:27:55:564 debug - session service: new()
    16:27:55:624 debug - cores disconnected: {}
    16:27:56:988 error - {}
    16:28:08:893 debug - Target Configuration. Device: f28335, Connection: TIXDS100v2_Connection, LP: false
    16:28:09:022 debug - ufDS, session.configured, partnum of current session = tms320f28335
    16:28:09:043 debug - addTargetStateListener on C28xx
    16:29:06:276 debug - returning cached configure
    16:29:59:677 debug - SettingsButtonPressed. Call: performOperation, Action: Erase
    16:29:59:680 debug - returning cached configure
    16:30:00:384 debug - connect to core C28xx
    16:30:02:242 error - Error executing current operation. Please check the console for additional error information.
    16:34:05:399 debug - session service: new()
    16:34:05:549 debug - cores disconnected: {}
    16:34:07:087 error - {}
    16:35:24:028 debug - Target Configuration. Device: f28335, Connection: TIXDS100v2_Connection, LP: false
    16:35:24:190 debug - ufDS, session.configured, partnum of current session = tms320f28335
    16:35:24:213 debug - addTargetStateListener on C28xx
    16:35:33:560 debug - returning cached configure
    16:35:56:029 debug - SettingsButtonPressed. Call: performOperation, Action: DepletionRecovery
    16:35:56:031 debug - returning cached configure
    16:35:56:732 debug - connect to core C28xx
    16:35:58:625 error - Error executing current operation. Please check the console for additional error information.

    15:49:53:063 log - NWAgentAPI: dinfraConfigue resolved successfully.
    15:49:53:539 error - {}
    15:50:09:515 debug - Target Configuration. Device: f28335, Connection: TIXDS100v2_Connection, LP: false
    15:50:09:699 debug - ufDS, session.configured, partnum of current session = tms320f28335
    15:50:09:759 debug - addTargetStateListener on C28xx
    15:50:17:172 debug - returning new configure
    15:50:23:877 debug - configured
    15:50:23:878 debug - returning cached configure
    15:50:25:147 debug - connect to core C28xx
    15:50:25:174 debug - InitMemoryBrowser {"pageInfoList":[{"isDefault":false,"mauSize":16,"name":"Program","wordSize":16},{"isDefault":true,"mauSize":16,"name":"Data","wordSize":16},{"isDefault":false,"mauSize":16,"name":"IO","wordSize":16},{"isDefault":false,"mauSize":8,"name":"Peripheral","wordSize":32}]}
    15:50:25:174 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:50:25:174 debug - , options=undefined
    15:50:25:175 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=0, rowCount=150, page=Data
    15:50:25:175 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:50:25:175 debug - returning cached configure
    15:50:38:449 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:50:38:449 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=196458, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:50:38:449 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:50:38:449 debug - returning cached configure
    15:50:59:334 debug - memory browser: loadDown
    15:50:59:334 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=196758, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:50:59:334 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:50:59:334 debug - returning cached configure
    15:51:15:688 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:51:15:688 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212841, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:51:15:688 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:51:15:688 debug - returning cached configure
    15:51:45:192 debug - memory browser: loadUp
    15:51:45:192 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212691, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:51:45:192 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:51:45:192 debug - returning cached configure
    15:52:07:126 debug - memory browser: loadDown
    15:52:07:126 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212991, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:52:07:126 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:52:07:126 debug - returning cached configure
    15:53:27:521 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:53:27:521 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=196458, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:53:27:522 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:53:27:522 debug - returning cached configure
    15:53:37:006 debug - memory browser: loadDown
    15:53:37:006 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=196758, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:53:37:006 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:53:37:006 debug - returning cached configure
    15:53:40:588 debug - memory browser: loadDown
    15:53:40:588 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=196908, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:53:40:588 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:53:40:589 debug - returning cached configure
    15:53:50:663 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:53:50:663 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212841, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:53:50:663 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:53:50:663 debug - returning cached configure
    15:54:51:523 debug - returning cached configure
    15:54:51:525 debug - returning cached configure
    15:54:51:659 debug - InitMemoryBrowser {"pageInfoList":[{"isDefault":false,"mauSize":16,"name":"Program","wordSize":16},{"isDefault":true,"mauSize":16,"name":"Data","wordSize":16},{"isDefault":false,"mauSize":16,"name":"IO","wordSize":16},{"isDefault":false,"mauSize":8,"name":"Peripheral","wordSize":32}]}
    15:54:51:659 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:54:51:659 debug - , options=undefined
    15:54:51:660 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=0, rowCount=150, page=Data
    15:54:51:660 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:54:51:660 debug - returning cached configure
    15:55:02:096 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:55:02:096 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212841, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:55:02:096 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:55:02:096 debug - returning cached configure
    15:56:22:772 debug - memory browser: loadUp
    15:56:22:772 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212691, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:56:22:772 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:56:22:773 debug - returning cached configure
    15:56:28:807 debug - memory browser: loadUp
    15:56:28:807 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212541, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:56:28:807 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:56:28:807 debug - returning cached configure
    15:56:33:363 debug - memory browser: loadUp
    15:56:33:363 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212391, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:56:33:363 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:56:33:363 debug - returning cached configure
    15:56:37:273 debug - memory browser: loadUp
    15:56:37:273 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212241, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:56:37:273 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:56:37:273 debug - returning cached configure
    15:56:48:781 debug - memory browser: loadUp
    15:56:48:781 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212091, rowCount=150, page=undefined
    15:56:48:781 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:56:48:781 debug - returning cached configure
    15:56:59:093 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:56:59:093 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=208746, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:56:59:093 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:56:59:093 debug - returning cached configure
    15:57:07:216 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:57:07:216 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=204650, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:57:07:216 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:57:07:217 debug - returning cached configure
    15:57:15:360 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:57:15:360 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=200554, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:57:15:360 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:57:15:360 debug - returning cached configure
    15:57:20:576 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:57:20:576 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=196458, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:57:20:576 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:57:20:576 debug - returning cached configure
    15:58:17:073 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:58:17:073 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=200554, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:58:17:073 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:58:17:073 debug - returning cached configure
    15:58:23:563 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:58:23:563 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=200554, rowCount=300, page=Program
    15:58:23:563 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:58:23:563 debug - returning cached configure
    15:58:43:560 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:58:43:560 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212841, rowCount=300, page=Program
    15:58:43:560 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:58:43:561 debug - returning cached configure
    15:58:56:221 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:58:56:221 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=212841, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:58:56:221 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:58:56:221 debug - returning cached configure
    15:59:14:072 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    15:59:14:072 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=200554, rowCount=300, page=Data
    15:59:14:072 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    15:59:14:072 debug - returning cached configure
    16:01:31:311 debug - , options={"highlight":true}
    16:01:31:311 debug - memory browser: readMem: rowIdx=204650, rowCount=300, page=Data
    16:01:31:311 debug - currentValTypeLength = 2 currentMAUSize = 2 currentCellSize = 1
    16:01:31:311 debug - returning cached configure
    16:13:59:867 debug - SettingsButtonPressed. Call: performOperation, Action: Erase
    16:13:59:870 debug - returning cached configure
    16:14:01:796 error - Error executing current operation. Please check the console for additional error information.
    16:14:50:775 debug - AddQuickSetting. id: F28335 Flash Settings, type: category, core: C28xx
    16:15:31:385 info - Fetching settings for settings.ufsettings
    16:16:13:203 debug - returning cached configure
    16:16:28:781 debug - returning cached configure
    16:16:31:779 debug - returning cached configure
    16:17:02:412 debug - returning cached configure
    16:24:00:446 debug - window resized, viewHeight = 359.5
    16:24:00:478 debug - window resized, viewHeight = 359
    16:24:00:597 debug - window resized, viewHeight = 359.5
    16:24:07:438 debug - session service: new()
    16:24:14:623 error - {}
    16:25:28:624 debug - Target Configuration. Device: f28335, Connection: TIXDS100v2_Connection, LP: false
    16:25:28:773 debug - ufDS, session.configured, partnum of current session = tms320f28335
    16:25:28:790 debug - addTargetStateListener on C28xx
    16:26:00:663 debug - returning cached configure
    16:26:42:325 debug - SettingsButtonPressed. Call: performOperation, Action: Erase
    16:26:42:327 debug - returning cached configure
    16:26:43:036 debug - connect to core C28xx
    16:26:44:874 error - Error executing current operation. Please check the console for additional error information.
    16:27:55:564 debug - session service: new()
    16:27:55:624 debug - cores disconnected: {}
    16:27:56:988 error - {}
    16:28:08:893 debug - Target Configuration. Device: f28335, Connection: TIXDS100v2_Connection, LP: false
    16:28:09:022 debug - ufDS, session.configured, partnum of current session = tms320f28335
    16:28:09:043 debug - addTargetStateListener on C28xx
    16:29:06:276 debug - returning cached configure
    16:29:59:677 debug - SettingsButtonPressed. Call: performOperation, Action: Erase
    16:29:59:680 debug - returning cached configure
    16:30:00:384 debug - connect to core C28xx
    16:30:02:242 error - Error executing current operation. Please check the console for additional error information.

  • Hi,

    I think you might have provided the GUI logs instead of 'Debug Server' logs. I forgot to provide the link in my previous post but please see more information here:

    You will need to enable the logging before performing your operation, and disable after; and then retrieve the log in the user folder.



  • Hi,

    Sorry for late . Now, I attach Debug server log

    I hope it help to fix my board.

    Thanks in Advance. 



  • Junsu,

    Thanks for providing the logs.

    According to the logs, the error code you are getting in both the depletion and erase case from running the Flash API is 0xFFFF, which is weird, since this is not one of the expected return codes.

    Can you try a couple more tests for me?

    1. Try loading the flash algorithm file for F28335 onto your board using UniFlash, and then click on verify to make sure it loads correctly. The file in located in your UniFlash install here:


    2. The error code symbol is located at address 0x900E in the algorithm. Can you check the value at that location before and after performing an Erase using the Memory view? It might help if you turn on the "Remain connected" option, which you can find when you click on the core name at the top right corner.

    Btw, I was able to find a F27335 control card in the office, and I was able to load programs to it using UniFlash without any issues. So, it seems the issue is device specific on your end.

    , let me know if you have any other suggestions on what we can look at.

  • Lee,

    If the flash is in depletion and if the depletion recovery fails, then the only option is to replace the part.

  • Thanks for your comment Manoj

    But, I am disappointed to hear that the only option is to replace the part.

     we've ordered 4 more F28335 products and they were delivered yesterday.

    One of them was broken cause the same software problem.

    If there is no option without replacing it, but I need to know why they've were broken at least because we are not afford to buy it more.

    Our lab have to finish a project by using F28335 ASAP.  

    Please, Help me out about this problem. There is only support I am able to ask.  


  • Ricky,

    Thank you for your attention.

    1. yes It works


    the value is F9F9. and it was not changed after performing an Erase using the Memory view

    I found a weird situation when I turned on it .

     When I turned on broken device, It shine with red flash without yellow flash.  (you can see 00:13~00:14)

    Always Thank you for your help

  • Junsu,

    Can you try setting the boot mode to Check Boot Mode:

    Use the SW2 dip switch on the controlCARD to configure GPIO84 - GPIO87:

    You can verify the bootmode settings by measuring the F2833x Boot Header voltages on the docking station:


  • Junsu,

    It has been a while since your last update. I assume that you were able to resolve your issue. If this isn’t the case, please reject this resolution and reply to this thread. If this thread is locked, please make a new thread describing the current status of your issue.

  • Thanks! It works now!!!!!