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CCS/TMS320F28379D: Verification failed: Values at address 0x84330@Program do not match Please verify target memory and memory map

Part Number: TMS320F28379D
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


when i flash the µC everything works fine and the programm run fine on the µc, but when i press the Button "Verify Image" i get this Error:

Verification failed: Values at address 0x82330@Program do not match Please verify target memory and memory map.

When I change in the cmd file the Allocate program areas and the initalized sections go in flash, than the error moves according with my memory/flash area changes.

When I look at this area at Uniflash memory read, I see for the complet area 0x82000 - 0x84000 in every sector 0000.

maybe the complet area is locked and Uniflash just can't compare because its not allowed to look in this area?

Best regards

Julian Dolderer

  • Julian,

    Did you program passwords or any other security settings?
    If yes, then you may have to unlock before you verify.

    Thanks and regards,
  • Julian, Can you check if password values are programmed?
  • Hi,

    I just programmed the bootctrl (for other bootpins) for CPU1 but the problem is at CPU2.

    Below I attached the assembler file, which i used to do that.

    I also attached screenshots from uniflash memory read out DCSM zone 1 and 2.

    In the download settings in Uniflash I checked the option "Verify Flash after Program".

    After every flash progress I get the message "[SUCCESS] Program Load completed successfully".

    I think that means that in this case a part of the flash progress is the verification and if the flash progress is successful, the verification is successful too.

    Is it possible that Uniflash restart the µC after flashing (I think that happens automatically, because Uniflash has for this µC no option for "restart after flashing")

    and when I try to verify after this restart I can't read the orginal informations from the flash memory?




  • Julian,

    the memory view attached is from CPU2 or CPU1. If it's from CPU1 then please attach the same view from CPU2. If it's CPU2 then I don't see password programmed hence you should not have this issue. Once programmed, you can not see the content at all or after your do a device reset or debug reset from plug-in, you can see the content?

    Vivek Singh
  • Vivek,

    the memory view is from CPU2.

    Just after programming I can't see the content.

    Now I tried a device reset, but after the device reset I have the same problem.

    For this µc I can't choose between debug reset and no debug reset.

    Thats the reason why I asket, if uniflash carry out an automatically debug reset?

    Or should there be no difference between reset and no reset? Is uniflash also able to verify the program on the flash after a reset?



  • Julian,

    By default, UniFlash disconnects from the device after the operation, and then it will connect again on the next operation. I'm not sure if that is the reason that verification is failing for you or not though.

    On your other question, UniFlash should be able to verify the program after a reset (or connect/disconnect) as long as the memory is still accessible.

    Did you try using the Memory view to see what memory is at 0x82330 after verification fails? If memory is 0x0000 maybe it is locked like Vivek suggested.

  • Hi Julian, Do you have any further debug info on this or this issue is resolved for you?

    Vivek Singh
  • I am marking this one resolved. If you still have issue, please reopen this one or start a new post.