I am using F28388D for our project.
Is it possible to reload PWM output twice with two new values wrote in CMPA during one PWM period.
I tried to implement this, unfortunately, the result shows PWM output only reloaded once in a PWM period.
Since my count mode is configured as up-down, one PWM period means: one PWM period = 2 x TBPRD × TTBCLK.
Here is my experiment environment:
- Up-down count mode
{EPwm1Regs.TBCTL.bit.CTRMODE = 2U;}
- Enable PWM interrupt event: time-base counter equal to zero or period (TBCTR= 0x00 or TBCTR = TBPRD).
{EPwm1Regs.ETSEL.bit.INTSEL = 3U;}
- Active Counter-Compare A (CMPA) Load From Shadow Select Mode Load: on either CTR = Zero or CTR = PRD
- Set duty reference to CMPA, which acts as 0.5*period during count-up, as 0.1*period during count-down in PWM interrupt
{status = EPwm1Regs.TBSTS.bit.CTRDIR;
if (1U==status)
{m_set = 0.1F;}
else if (0U==status)
{mu = 0.5F;}
Please find the attached PWM waveforms and a simulation result with twice reloaded PWM for your comparison.