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i need to clone firmware (to copy firmware fromDSP to PC) the dms 320lf2407 its connected via PIC 18f252 to RS232 serial so there is no problem with original software to flash new firmware on DSP but i don't have possibility to copy firmware ,du you have any ideas how?
It is not clear from your email how the LF2407A device is connected. Could you please provide a block diagram of your system?
Do you have the ability to connect to LF2407A from your PC via Code Composer?
What tool did you use to program the LF2407A flash?
What you are attempting to do needs to be broken down into 2 steps:
Step 1: You need to be able to read the flash contents of the existing device. Easiest way to do this is via CCS3.3. You have not answered my question "Are you able to connect to LF2407A via JTAG using CCS 3.3?" If this is not feasible, then you could download a code via the SCI (leveraging the boot-ROM) that would read the flash and transmit the contents via SCI. You could then save this in a file and use that for re-programming.
Step 2: Once you have the flash image to be programmed, you now need a tool that programs the flash. Here again, if you have CCS3.3, you could use the flash plug-in to program the flash. If not, you could explore these 2 tools below. Note that they may even help you with Step 1.
Once again, I am assuming you either know the passwords or that the device is not secured with passwords. If this is not the case, then nothing could be done.
p.s: Only CCS3.3 is capable of working with LF2407A. CCSv4, v5, v6 & v7 do not work with this device.
If connecting with JTAG is not an option, the only way to read the flash is to load some code in RAM (via the SCI bootloader), which would read the flash and transmit the contents via SCI. You could then save this in a file and then use it to program the flash.
"but which code i need to load in RAM?"
You need to write this code yourself. You need to understand the SCI bootloader in Appendix D of SPRU357C first. You then need write the code that would be pulled in through the SCI-port by the SCI bootloader. This code, after being copied in RAM, would read the flash contents and transmit them out of the SCI post , as I had explained earlier. It is possible that some flash programming tools may do this for you.
Not sure what you were attempting to do with the Elprotronic tool. The "Report" window shows some messages about JTAG communication failing, but I recall you mentioning that you cannot connect to the device via JTAG. In any case, please contact Elprotronic for support with their tool.