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Dear sr
Hi! I tryng to ues MSP430FR4133 to control a 8 x 20 segments I saw in example program that I can not use L27 to L35 as common . Is that True?
If nessecary I can send a draw of my design.
If you refer to the family user's guide:
the LCD section describes how things work.
The description of the LCD on the Launchpad is given in the Launchpad user's guide:
if you look at the schematic at the end of this document, you'll see that on this Launchpad, pins L27 to L35 are either unconnected or are being used for other functions.
This is why the wordv"except" is found in the diagram for this example code.
Hi Edson,
I'm not able to open your schematic. Have you referred to the Launchpad schematic?
No I referred to my schematic that is not working with my LCD. Today I am using HT1622 64LQFP from Holtek and would like to use now msp43FR4133 but It not working in my schematic. How can I send my schematic to you? In the past I use MSP430F4152 with my old LCD and works fine. Now I would use a FRAM cpu MSP430FR4133.
Hi Leonardo.
I have alread accepted. Did you see m schematic? There any mistake in common and segments connection?
Hi Edson,
You need to send me your schematic via the messaging interface for me to be able to look at it.
I send you a drawing of the connection of my LCD with MSP430FR4133. In terms of connections there are some mistake? As I told you this LCD works well with HT1622 64LQFP. But I woul like to change using MSP430FR4133.
Hi Edson,
I can't make out the text. Let me ask another question: What software are you using to control the LCD? Did you try porting your previous software with remapping of your pins? Was your previous software controlling the same LCD? When you say it's not working, what does that mean? I'm not familiar with this specific LCD, so the help I can provide here is limited.
Hi Edson,
Have you seen/reviewed this document on how to integrate LCD displays with MSP430 processors?
I read the Slaa654a.pdf, but my doubt can I control I 20x8 LCD using MSP430FR4133? Because it is not working with LCD. Today I am using Lcd Driver HT 1622 - 64LQFP and it is working.
Hi Edson,
If you look at SLAA654a, you'll see that section 4.1 discusses how muxing works. In table 1, you can see that this device is using LCD_E which supports 448 segments/8-mux.
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