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MSP430F1611: convert a IAR project in assembly to CCS

Part Number: MSP430F1611

I new in CCS, and I trying to convert a IAR assembly project to CCS using TI compiler v21.6.0.LTS. But a don't know how to declare the varible, etc can be see at code below.Somebody could help me?

; MSP430 Assembler Code Template for use with TI Code Composer Studio
            .cdecls C,LIST,"msp430.h"       ; Include device header file

            .def    RESET                   ; Export program entry-point to
                                            ; make it known to linker.
            .def	PosicLlavesNueva	1     	;//  0: Modelo viejo , 1: Modelo Nuevo

											;#define  EnableCalibracion 0     			;//  Modo Calibracion ( Solo Medicion )
			.def	EnableWachDogInt  	0     	;//
            .text                           ; Assemble into program memory.
            .retain                         ; Override ELF conditional linking
                                            ; and retain current section.
            .retainrefs                     ; And retain any sections that have
                                            ; references to current section.

RESET       mov.w   #__STACK_END,SP         ; Initialize stackpointer
StopWDT     mov.w   #WDTPW|WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL  ; Stop watchdog timer

; Main loop here

;//mudança da constante de comparação do long de 1.05 para 1.17 (linha 3334)
;#define  EnableLongTime    1     //  Segun Modelo de llave
;#define  EnableShortTime   1     //
;#define  EnableGFault      0     //

Nmax_Vars_ModbusRTU .set 16
;#define  Nmax_Vars_ModbusRTU 16
#define  FAST_CRC             1


.include  "msp430x14x.h"         // definicion de I/O del integrado

Fac_Cresta DEFINE  1414                  ; Fator de Cresta en * 1000 ( entre 1 y 2 )
Vmax       DEFINE  4092                  ; Maximo Valor del conversor por comodidad de calculo
RmsMaximo  DEFINE  (Vmax)*1000/Fac_Cresta; Valor RMS Maximo dado un factor de Cresta
INominal   DEFINE  (RmsMaximo)/10        ; Valor de IN teorico

EntSincro  DEFINE  P1IN          ; PORT1
SincroR    DEFINE  0001h         ; PORT 1.0
SincroS    DEFINE  0002h         ; PORT 1.1
SincroT    DEFINE  0004h         ; PORT 1.2
SignoR     DEFINE  0001h
SignoS     DEFINE  0002h
SignoT     DEFINE  0004h
SignoN     DEFINE  0008h

Instant    DEFINE  0010h         ; PORT 1.4
EntInstat  DEFINE  P1IN
WdgEXT     DEFINE  0040h         ; PORT 1.6
Disparo    DEFINE  0008h         ; PORT 3.3
SalDisparo DEFINE  P3OUT

LedLT      DEFINE  BIT7          ; Ä¿
LedST      DEFINE  BIT6          ;  ³
LedFT      DEFINE  BIT4          ;  ÃÄ  Leds Indicacion de corte
LedINST    DEFINE  BIT5          ;  ³
LedsCorte  DEFINE  P4OUT         ; ÄÙ

Led70         DEFINE  BIT2       ; Ä¿
LedSobreCarga DEFINE  P3OUT      ; ÄÁÄ Led Sobrecarga

BaseTiempoFija EQU 00d           ; 1: Mide con base de tiempo fija
                                 ; 0: Mide con base de tiempo fija t< 1 Seg
                                 ;    t > 2 Seg Se adaptara en frecuencia
Muestras50Hz  EQU  64d           ; Cantidad de muestras a 50Hz
                                 ;       64:  ( 45Hz: 72       65Hz: 48 )

;º                        Constantes en Rom                                  º

        ORG 0A000h

;³     Parametros de calibracion Default          ³ Impreso Llave3

;Diodo Temp Amb:
;                                                                       *
;   T= [ Vd(T) - Vd(0) ] / TCd        , TCd  = 3.55mV / §C +- 3%     (3.44 - 3.65 )
;                                     , Vd(0)= 986mV +- 5%           ( 937 - 1035 )
;                                                                       *
;   Tsamp[Min] = 30uS

TCdx1000      DEFINE   4095*355/250   ;[5.8149]     (5.63 - 5.98)
Vd0           DEFINE   4095*951/2500  ;[1615]       (1535 - 1695)
KeySegmentoA  DEFINE   0AA5h

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