Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA
Firstly, I am a complete newcomer to this hence my lack of knowledge on the subject so I do apologise.
I have a MSP430FR4133 launch pad Rev 1.0 and a HC-05 bluetooth module I picked up off the Pi Hut : https://thepihut.com/products/hc-05-bluetooth-module
The bluetooth module has the following pins Vcc, Ground , RXD TXD En and State - I know En and State are not required to be connected to the board
I have tried for many hours to communicate by connecting RXD and TXD to P1.1 and P1.0 and many iterations of code in Energia (as yet again I am new to this)
I can power on the HC-05 module via the MSP and even connect via my computers bluetooth. In energia I can even select the HC-05 port for serial monitor.
Effectively what I want to do is connect the HC-05 so that I can sent over the serial monitor a 1 which will turn on the RED LED and a 0 that will turn it off.
If my connections are connecting the same pins to what the HC-05 how would I code this in energia to work. Any help is massively appreciated as Energia code is close to Arduino which I understand