I have a question because there was a problem during the calibration and test using a custom board made with MSP430FR6045 and a custom pipe.
1. In the zero flow state, there is a sudden change in absolute TOF as shown in the picture below. Also, when the UPS and DNS values change, there seems to be a delay between the amount of change in the two values. Is there a presumed cause? Or do you have a solution?
2. The following error message occurs intermittently during testing in USS Tool. Please tell me the cause and solution.
Error Code : 103, Time between measurements is greater than UPS0 to UPS1 Gap
Error Code : 135, DToF - Shift value was greater than maxSampleShift
In the case of 135, I heard that the value of USS_ALG_MAX_SAMPLE_SHIFT should be changed in USS Config. What are the downsides of changing it?
Thank you.