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EVM430-FR6047: No signal detected in up and downstream channel

Part Number: EVM430-FR6047

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have recently ordered the board "EVM430-FR6047" via digikey. I would like to connect an ultrasonic flowmeter from Audiowell to this board. The flow meter has the part number: HS0014. Below you can find my circuit:

Now to the USS software. I get the error "No signal detected in up and downstream channel" with the following settings (see last picture). However, if I turn the GUI Based Gain Control to Maxium (30.8), the LED3 on the board goes off and only shows up now and then with the error "dToF - Correlation overrun error". The signal in the ADC capture looks like this:

Furthermore I could not receive better signals in the ADC Capturing with low "GUI Based Gain Control". My assumption is that I must have plugged something wrong or the sensor is possibly broken, because it does not send any signals.

I hope you can help me.

Thanks a lot in advance.

With kind regards

Jérôme Noglinski

  • Hi Jerome,

    First question - do you have water in the pipe with all air removed?  I see tubing connected in one photo so even though you may have run water through the pipe, there could be an air bubble trapped. That might explain why even with the highest PGA gain, you are still not seeing a signal.  Try temporarily holding the pipe vertically and force water through it and tap to loosen any bubbles.  When you stop the flow, don't let the water drain out of the pipe.  Another way is to cap one end of the pipe, hold it vertically, pour water into the open end until pipe is full.  Then see if you get ADC capture.

    From what I can tell from your photos, the board connections look fine.

    Here is a link to on-line instructions.

    Here is a link to you-tube videos that might be helpful.

  • Sorry for the late response, but yes, you were right. It was because there was an air bubble in the measurement chamber. Now the sensor is measuring as it should. Thank you very much for your support.

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