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Grace Feedback – enabling and disabling modules

Dear all,

I’m working with the GraCE tool.

If the digital IO module is enabled and configured, the GPIO_init.c file is generated with the configuration code as defined in the GraCE GUI. After that, if the IO module is disabled, the file isn’t automatically removed from the file system. I think this situation happens because if you enable it again, makes sense to restore the previous configuration.  Unfortunately, when the IO module is re-enabled the information from the GPIO_init.c is lost.

Best Regards,


  • Hi,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Disabling and re-enabling a peripheral deletes the information that was previously entered in the graphical view. This is done to allow for a "fresh start". Actually, this is the only use case for disabling the GPIO view. Almost every peripheral uses GPIOs and it wouldn't be good if you assign a peripheral function to a pin which isn't configured by Grace.

    Best Regards,


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