MSP430: File Loader: Verification failed: Values at address 0x08000 do not match Please verify target memory and memory map.
MSP430: GEL: File: C:\Users\Lin\workspace_v12\led\Debug\led.out: a data verification error occurred, file load failed.
when i am trying to debug the msp430fr2355 board in code composer studio it is showing the above error.
The debug perspective is not getting opened and the above error message is shown in the console. It is happening for even the example blink led program in ccs. I tried using another laptop and got the same error.
The board was debugging and loading program before without any problem. I think the issue started after i executed FRCTL0 = FRCTLPW | NWAITS_2 ; in the program.
Can you please tell why this is happening and how to resolve it.