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MSP430FR2000: MSP low-power microcontroller forum

Part Number: MSP430FR2000


 I'm working on a project requiring timer B and  2 port interrupts. In the project, I got an error as follows.

#10099-D</a> program will not fit into available memory, or the section contains a call site that requires a trampoline that can't be generated for this section. placement with alignment fails for section "ALL_FRAM" size 0x316. Available memory ranges: lnk_msp430fr2000.cmd /COMPILE line 132 C/C++ Problem

So, I tried as many methods as I could and the error was still there. So I have closely monitored the FRAM size and found that multiple lines that edit a global variable in an ISR caused the problem.  The problematic code is as follows.

#include "msp430fr2000.h"

volatile int Cpwm = 0;

int main(void){                                                //P1.1 PULSES COMING FOR FAIL SAFE      P1.3 RESET THE MICRO CONTROLLER

  P1DIR |= 0x09;  // P1.0 & P1.3 output
  TB0CCTL0 = CCIE;                            // CCR0 interrupt enabled
  TB0CCR0 = 40000; // 1

  TB0CTL = TBSSEL_1 + MC_1 + ID_2;                 // SMCLK, contmode

    P1DIR &= (~0x06); // Set P1.1 & P1.2 Set as Input
    P1IES |= (~0x06); // rising Edge
    P1IFG &= (~0x06); // Clear interrupt flag for P1.1 and P1.2
    P1IE |= (0x06); // Enable interrupt for P1.3

   P1OUT = 0x08;



// Timer A0 interrupt  routine

#pragma vector=TIMER0_B0_VECTOR
__interrupt void Timer_B (void){

  P1OUT &= ~(0x08);                         // RESET heartbeat P1.1
  P1OUT |= 0x08;

 if(((P1IN && 0x04)||(P1IN && 0x06) ) && (Cpwm == 0)){
     P1OUT |= 0x01;  //Failsafe on


#pragma vector=PORT1_VECTOR
__interrupt void Port_1(void)

    TB0R = 0;
    P1IFG &= (~0x02); // HEART BEAT

       if((P1IN && 0x04)||(P1IN && 0x06) ){
                    P1OUT &= ~(0x08);                          // RESET heartbeat P1.1
                    P1OUT |= 0x08;
                    if((P1IN && 0x04)||(P1IN && 0x06) ){
                            P1OUT |= 0x01;  //Failsafe on
            }                                              //0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

            P1OUT &= ~(0x01);  // turn off fail safe



    Cpwm = 0;
    TB0R = 0;

else if(P1IFG==0x04){
    Cpwm = Cpwm+1 ;
    P1IFG &= (~0x04);      // PWM



when I changed the code global variable to constant and commented the lines that edit the global variable in the ISR routine, then it was built with low memory.    The code and the memory allocation are as follows.

#include "msp430fr2000.h"

const int Cpwm = 0;

int main(void){                                                //P1.1 PULSES COMING FOR FAIL SAFE      P1.3 RESET THE MICRO CONTROLLER

  P1DIR |= 0x09;  // P1.0 & P1.3 output
  TB0CCTL0 = CCIE;                            // CCR0 interrupt enabled
  TB0CCR0 = 40000; // 1

  TB0CTL = TBSSEL_1 + MC_1 + ID_2;                 // SMCLK, contmode

    P1DIR &= (~0x06); // Set P1.1 & P1.2 Set as Input
    P1IES |= (~0x06); // rising Edge
    P1IFG &= (~0x06); // Clear interrupt flag for P1.1 and P1.2
    P1IE |= (0x06); // Enable interrupt for P1.3

   P1OUT = 0x08;



// Timer A0 interrupt  routine

#pragma vector=TIMER0_B0_VECTOR
__interrupt void Timer_B (void){

  P1OUT &= ~(0x08);                         // RESET heartbeat P1.1
  P1OUT |= 0x08;

 if(((P1IN && 0x04)||(P1IN && 0x06) ) && (Cpwm == 0)){
     P1OUT |= 0x01;  //Failsafe on


#pragma vector=PORT1_VECTOR
__interrupt void Port_1(void)

    TB0R = 0;
    P1IFG &= (~0x02); // HEART BEAT

       if((P1IN && 0x04)||(P1IN && 0x06) ){
                    P1OUT &= ~(0x08);                          // RESET heartbeat P1.1
                    P1OUT |= 0x08;
                    if((P1IN && 0x04)||(P1IN && 0x06) ){
                            P1OUT |= 0x01;  //Failsafe on
            }                                              //0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

            P1OUT &= ~(0x01);  // turn off fail safe



 //   Cpwm = 0;
    TB0R = 0;

else if(P1IFG==0x04){
  //  Cpwm = Cpwm+1 ;
    P1IFG &= (~0x04);      // PWM



So, why can't we edit any global variable, and is there any way to share data with different Interrupt service Routines and main code? Any kind of help is much appreciated. 

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