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MSP430FR6043: MSP430FR6043

Part Number: MSP430FR6043
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: EVM430-FR6043, MSP430F5528

i have some question regardings the MCU MSP430FR6043. 
1.For the EVM430-FR6043 is it possible to add a Temperatur sensor to calcurate the calibrated flow with temperature? when yes at which pin should i use.

2.Does the MCU have an Digitaloutput and Anlogoutput as well as Digitalinput? when yes is there any way to test them via the The Evaluation board above? ist the analogoutput current, or voltage? what is the resolution for analogoutpunt and Digitaloutput?  

best regards. 
Pierre Ngirinshuti

  • Hi Pierre,

    1. Yes this is possible. Before I can answer which pin I need to ask: what protocol does your temperature sensor use? 

    2. The MCU does have both digital and analog outputs and inputs. You can read about the device's digital IO module in section 12 of the device family user's guide. The device also has 12 bit DACs (the 12 bits determining the voltage level) which you can read about it section 37 of the same user guide. 

  • Hello Dylan,
    i use the KTY 81/210 sensor. for the Digital and analog output is it possible to test them on my Board EVM430FR6043? 

    best Regards

  • Since the KTY 81/210 is just a thermistor, you'd only need an ADC, which the device has a few of. Many are in use, but you could use pins 25 or 26, as they have ADC channels and are only used for UART in the EVM. These would correspond to P1.2 and P1.3.

    I am not sure what you mean exactly, but you will be able to test and use the digital and analog outputs on the EVM430-FR6043

  • Hello Dylan,
    thank you for reply. for the Digital and Analog output, i want for example to count the pulse with external counter for Digital output and for analog output i want to set the min and max flow, and then change the flow to see how the analog output works with changing the flow. 
    one more question regarding the SW, the given GUI saves Data approximatly every 200ms, and i would like to change it. which file schould i lool at? 

    best regards

  • Can you point me to the resource you got that information from? I have not looked into changing the refresh rate of the GUI, the frequency it saves data, etc. If you give me some more info about it I may be able to help you change the settings.

  • Hey Dylan,
    i have noticed it during data correction in waveform. i've made data analysis oof the csv files and it is approximatly 200ms for measurement. 

  • I see. I am going to have to check with my team about this. Until I can gather this information, could you explain your need to increase the rate the data is saved? The GUI is only intended to be included for adjusting your calibration settings, and usually doesn't have stringent timing requirements, so I am curious why you need it.

    Thanks for the info and I will update this thread with more information soon.

  • hey Dylan,
    thank you for repply. my purpose is to compare the corrected data with our reference so that i can make a decision, if i can replace my current fpga with your MCU. it worked sofar very good, but it is not easy to compare, because the data correction intervall is the same. if you can give me info, in which file this thread is, i can also update it my self. 
    best regards. 

  • Thank you for the explanation. 

    A large part of our team is out due to holiday in the US, so my answer will be a bit delayed. Please expect a response by 1 week from today, 11/29. By then I will certainly have time to meet with our team and work on this.

    Thanks for your patience.

  • Hey Dylan,
    as i'm still waiting for the discussion with you team collegue for my last question, i have an other question this time with MSP430F5528. the device  has as described in Datasheet Uart, i would like to change the USB Kommunication to RS485 communication. how should the circuit look like on MSP430F5528 COM MUNICATIONS HID-BRIDGE? do i need an RS485 Bridge on it? or i can directly through changing the circuit connect to RS485? 

    best regards
    Pierre Ngirinshuti

  • Hi Pierre,

    Thanks for your patience. So far, the team is unfamiliar with this process. However I think it is possible and will be looking into it later this week. I will update you by Friday on what I am able to find.

    Could you please post your secondary question in a new thread on E2E? Having a separate thread will help keep forum posts organized. Thank you.

  • Hi Pierre,

    I've spoken to my team about how to increase the rate this data is saved and we think that this just occurs whenever the MSP device finishes processing an ultrasonic measurement. So if you do want to speed this up, you should try to remove any delays, and perform the measurements a little more often, in order to send the data to the PC more often. For example, if you look at USSLibGUIApp.c, on line 450, you should be able to remove this delay to speed up the time between measurements. I'm not sure how small you need to get this interval (?), but there is going to be a limit on the frequency it is sent. Please let me know if you are having problems speeding up the transfer a bit.

    As a side note: I did originally think that this happened on the GUI side of things, but the software team has informed me that the data is saved to the CSV at the same interval as the data is sent by the MSP device.

    If you are having problems, please feel free to create another thread.

    Thanks for your patience on this!

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