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BSL Scripter Version: 3.2.1
Compiler Version: TI 21.6.1.LTS
CCS Version: 12.4.0
UART Pins: RX: 8.2 and TX: 8.3
Physical Bus: RS-485
I am trying to send the Mass_Erase Command from the BSL Scripter like this:
Although I got correct commands from the UART(CRC is correct). But I don't get the successful response from the BSL. I tried to debug the code and I found out that my controller get's in the infinite loop after executing the BSL430_massErase() function. After that all the commands get's rejected and fails.
Programs leads to this function:.
Gary Gao I've confirmed receiving the correct command bytes on the UART during the debug session. Additionally, it successfully executes the proper mass erase function. However, it encounters an infinite loop termination function.
I lack a logic analyzer at the moment, but I'll make an effort to obtain one.
So you are using PC as host and a MSP-FET as the bridge?
You are using visual studio to running the BSL scripter source code in debug mode to see it is in infinite loop?
Yes, I am using PC as a host and MSP-FET as the bridge.
No, I am not using Visual Studio code. I am just running the BSL scripter exe from the command prompt and checking the response and debugging it in the CCS.
Unfortunately not, as I don't have logic analyzer on my side. Is there any workaround?
It is hard to give a better workaround without the wave form.
You can connect the UART signals to a USB to UART bridge and print it on the PC to get the values.
You just need to capture the TX and RX values for me when the BSL is incorrect, I will check it
Hi Muhammad,
For the F6636 default BSL just support USB, so have you download the UART version BSL image into the device? If have do that, which version of the UART BSL image have you downloaded?
The BSL image resources can be downloaded at here MSPBSL_CustomBSL430 1_02_00_01 -
Recommend to use this one BSL. in MSP430BSL_1_02_00_01\Released_BSL_Images\MSP430F663x_Family\UART BSL
You can send me the Saleae capture file to me, I can open it.
Hello Gary Gao, Hope you are fine!
Yes, I have downloaded the UART BSL in the controller but the image is generated from the MSP430F5529 SW after changing configurations in the BSL and TX/RX pins. We are using TX/RX as 8.2 and 8.3 but the default pins are different mentioned in releases images. I can send you the Saleae capture file asap.
Do you have software available in which I can change the TX/RX pins according to my need for the MSP430F6636 and then generate the relevant hex/bin/txt file for that?
OK, got it, I think that should be fine to modify the source code. Please share me the saleae's capture file, let me check about it.
Although, I have sent only two commands from the BSL Scripter one of which is MASS_ERASE and the other one is RX_PASSWORD. I didn't get any acknowledgment from the MCU and it gets stuck. I have shared the screenshot of the MASS_ERASE command above.
Hi Muhammad,
What's the VCC voltage on your board? Do it the mass erase work well if you our demo code to do the mass erase?
Could you share your schematic here?
What did you mean by demo code? I am using the same code released by TI for MSP430F5529, I have only changed the GPIO pins for the UART, Debug Configurations, and Controller configurations.
How can I send you the confidential schematic document on the open support forum?
If there is any forum where I can share confidential documents and SW. Do let me know!
Hi Muhammad,
In the demo code, the default UART pins are used P1.1 and P1.2 that is support TA0.0 and TA0.1 that means it using timer to simulate the UART communication. Few things you need to modify below
1. Delete the timer A and P1.1 P1.2 initialization in function PI_init(). You need to add the initialization of UCA1, P8.2 P8.3
2. Modify the function of receiveByte() and void sendByte(char data)
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