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Error-The stack pointer for stack 'Stack' (currently Memory:0x65A84) is outside the stack range

Hi everyone

Iam working on MSP communication on SPI using USCI_A0 with DSP C55 on McBSP.

I am getting this error-

The stack pointer for stack 'Stack' (currently Memory:0x65A84) is outside the stack range (Memory:0x20B0 to Memory:0x2100) 

Maybe as a result of this when Iam sigle-stepping
my UCA0_TXBUF-SPI is not outputting the correct values from a stored location(0x01,2,3...) which it was doing earlier correctly.
Instead it is showing 0x82,0x02,0xB2,0xA6 etc.
Also I can now see the SMCLK on both the pins(7.3 and 1.4) only when I press GO. On single stepping there is no clock seen on the scope. Is the ok?
Iam working on MSP communication with DSPC55 on mcBSP.
Also when I run the pgm it goes in a loop and I have to break the operation. Any idea why this happens ?
The DSP side is not configured and running yet.

  • The default project setting for a stack is 80 bytes. Which means, teh stack is expected to not grow below 0x20B0. However, the debugger has detected the stack pointer outside this range. And the value the stack poitne rhas seems to indicated that there is something seriously wrong. It points to somewhere in the void, so it has obviously been corrupted somehow.

    But why did you start a new thread for this? You already posted it in a different thread and your references '"I can now see SMCLK" (now? and before?), and "when I run the program" (which program?) refer to contents of the other thread and are meaningless (without reference) in this new thread.

    sunil sharma said:
    On single stepping there is no clock seen on the scope

    There should be a single pulse when teh step is executed. When the debugger freezes the CPU between single steps, it also freezes the clocks.

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