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EVM430-FR6047: Generic 255 Unknown error occurred --> Bricked?

Part Number: EVM430-FR6047

I have been developing different flowmeter geometries and testing them with the EVM430-FR6047. It has been working well with the GUI software for a month or so, but today I get a rapid succession of errors; "Generic 255 Unknown error occurred". Also the LEDs no longer blink like it is attempting a flow measurement. The GUI connects and will allow me to push parameters to it but will not perform a waveform capture or dTOF. LED3 is solid red.

I purchased a new EVM430-FR6047 and should have it later this week, but I would like to know what happened or could of happened so I don't brick the second one.

  1. Any guess as to what "Generic 255 Unknown error occurred" could be? Does this mean the M430 processor is locked?
  2. I tried the reset button, but is there a way to reset the non volatile memory?
  3. It is possible one of the transducers short circuited in this last test (CH1 shorted to GND). Could that damage it?
  4. The LCD never worked on my unit. I never found a way to turn it on in the GUI or documentation. I tried adjusting the pot both directions but nothing. Maybe some jumper is not in the right place?
  5. See photo of the board LEDs and Jumper configs


  • Update: I connected the board to Code Composer Studio and successfully ran the blink led example code. So the processor is probably fine. Doing this wiped out the code provided with the board. Anyone know where to find this code? I found some code in this area but it is not clear if this will take me back to square one or not.

  • 1. Do you mean that you didn't download the code on the EVM. You just run the demo with the default code right?

    2. If you want to start with uss. Please refer to this:

  • Thanks for the manual link, but there do not appear to be any links to the firmware in there.

    Yes I was using the code that came preloaded on the module. After wiping out that code in my troubleshooting I would like to reload the origional. I do not know where to find the demo code that was on it to get me back to factory default. I tried loading the "USSSWLib_template_example" via Code Composer Studio, but the lights do not blink like the original did and the USS GUI will not recognize it.

    Do you know where the code is that the Eval units ship with? If this is it in the link above; is there some trick to loading it other than just pressing debug then run? Thanks!

  • I think you would finally need to understand how to play with the GUI and adjust it. Not just play with the default code. I would sugget you dig a little deep on the academy. I think after you learn through it, you will know how to generate your own USS poject.

    I am not an expert for USS, as I know the code is generate by GUI. And then you can download it with CCS.

  • I tried loading the "USSSWLib_template_example" via Code Composer Studio, but the lights do not blink like the original did and the USS GUI will not recognize it.

    That project is for standalone applications without GUI. If you haven't already, you need to install the "USS Water Demo for FR604x" located at this link. Within that is a project template titled "MSP430FR6047EVM_USS_Water_Demo" which is directly importable to CCS through the Project -> Import CCS Projects... menu item. Then you compile it and flash it through CCS.

  • @SethJackson, You are awesome! Thank you so much!

    Putting the dots a bit closer together for people like me. I had to select the CCS folder then it gave me the option to select the project.

    With the demo program reinstalled, the eval board is working again with the test flowmeter. Not bricked! Whoohoo :-)



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