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MSP430F6779A: What is function of capacitors that recommend connection with MCU?

Part Number: MSP430F6779A


In datasheet (SLAS982A) recommend capacitance of pin connection. I would like to know function of capacitor (4.7uF) as below.

Connect to pin

What is function?

(Decoupling, Smoothing of power supply voltage or filtering or other)

VAsys pin
VDsys pin
Avcc Pin
Dvcc Pin
AuxVcc Pin
  • Hello Gumpol,

    You can try to find the function of these Cap in the user guide which can be downloaded from If our user guide doesn't write the function, maybe I need contact with my design team colleague. But you can design your own board with the recommended value of these Caps because these value have been tested in design process which is better value for M0 work normally.

    Best Regards,

    Janz Bai

  • LCDCAP is for the LCD charge pump to get a higher voltage for the LCD.

    The others are "Decoupling, Smoothing of power supply voltage or filtering "

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