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MSP430F6775A: Msp430f6775a

Part Number: MSP430F6775A



I would like to ask about the external crystal or XT1 mode. When is the XT1 set as default for FLL reference than on the startup does it work when the XT1 is set off ? Or is there the REFO ? Cuz I have noticed the default configuration and the OFC Flag is set by default and when clered and still the XT1 OFF is set to one the flag won't set back to fault. So I am confused even when default configuration uses XT1 but it is set to 1 in the startup than default configuration is not using the XT1 but REFO or ? Also the xcap defines capacitance that I have connected externally on xin and xout ? Cuz I have noticed that it has no effect on whether set or not while XT1off bit is 0 so the external crystal is on .

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