In the picture, ±600code, then, what is the amplitude on the pin corresponding to ±600code,thanks
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In the picture, ±600code, then, what is the amplitude on the pin corresponding to ±600code,thanks
Hi, albert
Please refer to Figure 18-1. USS and USS_A Block Diagram
It's also depending on the PGA setting.
It's better to keep ADC code within 800~900, this is ADC's best performance range.
Also, you need to adjust PGA to get ADC code within 800~900.
Hi, albert
Pin voltage value has too many influencing factors.
So we can not using 600 ADC code to calculate the pin input voltage.
What we must need to pay attention is, we need to control PGA to get ADC code around 800~900.
For the best ADC performance.
Hi Helic
Thank you for your reply.
For the 6007 chip, a good input signal is described in the MSP430FR604x MCU Technology FAQ file, which is ±1000code for a 1MHz transducer and ±600code for a 2MHz transducer. My question is what should be the range of voltage amplitude for a good signal input to the pin?What is the maximum input voltage amplitude allowed for this pin?
It should be around more than 220mV for 600 codes with PGA gain 0.1dB
Best regards,
Cash Hao
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