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MSP430FR2355: ROMLIB value in Memory Allocation tab in Code Composer Studio

Part Number: MSP430FR2355


Trying to use the ROM libraries on an MSP430FR2355. Have used some MAP_GPIO_setAsPeripheralModuleFunctionInputPin and ROM_GPIO_setAsPeripheralModuleFunctionInputPin commands but the Memory Allocation display shows just RAM and FRAM used, nothing in the ROMLIB area. Shouldn't it show a reduction in FRAM usage and something in ROMLIB?

  • Hi Peter,

    Keep in mind not all ROM functions are supported for this device.  Check the rom_map_driverlib.h file.

    I tried a simple test and when calling the ROM function, it reduces the size of the FRAM.

  • Dennis, thankyou for your reply. I think actually I'm using the ROM library OK, judging by the output in the build console. I was just expecting it to show in the Memory Allocation tab, shown below, but this shows nothing in ROMLIB. Am I missing something?

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