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MSP430FR6047: Can we drive 8-Com & 12 SEG LCDs , 1/3 bias using MSP430FR6047 as my microcontroller by capacitor split method , instead of internal or external biasing method?

Part Number: MSP430FR6047


I am observing that the current consumption of 8-Com & 12 SEG LCD , 1/3 bias is 5 microA when i am using capacitor split method of RL-78/L12 series microcontroller. But the current consumption of same LCD is 9.6 microA when i am using internal biasing method of MSP430FR6047. The voltage supply was same in both the cases i.e. 3.6 V. I am assuming that this difference in current consumption is due to these methods only. So, can we implement capacitor split method or not, using MSPFR6047 as my microcontroller. If i can implement this,what should i do?

Is there any other method to drop my LCD current consumption. I have tried to implement external biasing method too , reading from this application note(chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/  . But the LCD segments was not behaving properly,showing ghosting effect.The resistor values were R = 100K and Rx(Contrast Control) = 4.7K. It was also showing the ghosting effect. When i was increasing the values of resistors , the ghosting effect was also increasing.

Waiting for a fruitful response.

Thank You

Rishabh Mishra

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