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Which FET tool(s) are compatible with MSP430AFE2xx devices?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430AFE253, MSP-TS430PW24

I am doing development work with an MSP430AFE253 device, and am having FET tool issues.  We have one of the MSP-TS430PW24 sockets, and have used the MSP-FET430UIF with good success.  We put a 6-pin header on our initial prototype PCB planning to use an EZ430 FET tool for debugging, etc. but it doesn't appear to work correctly.  The EZ430 will load code successfully, but I can not debug with it.  So, can someone please answer the following:


1.  What FET tool(s) are compatible with the MSP430AFE2xx devices?

2.  Can the firmware in the EZ430 stick be updated to support the AFE2xx devices?

3.  If the answer to 2 is no, does the launchpad or any other SBW tool (besides the MSP-FET430UIF) support the AFE2xx devices?




  • Brian,

    please refer to the Hardware Tools Users Guide, there in Table 1-1. "Flash Emulation Tool (FET) Features" page 14, you can find the list of FET tools and the supported devices. As you can see the AFE2xx is only supported by the USB FET.

    Hope this answers your question.


  • Hi Leo,

    Thanks for the quick reply.  The list seems incomplete, as the launchpad is not included, but does include FET capability.  Any chance that the launchpad will work with the AFE2xx devices?  How about "upgrading" the firmware in the eZ430 to support the AFE2xx devices?

  • Hi Brian,

    Brian Kindel said:

    The list seems incomplete, as the launchpad is not included, but does include FET capability.

    You are right, however Launchpad basically only supports all of  the G2xx value line devices. See here:


    Brian Kindel said:

    Any chance that the launchpad will work with the AFE2xx devices?  How about "upgrading" the firmware in the eZ430 to support the AFE2xx devices?

    I am afraid not, because even i do not have access to the firmware. Sorry about this it seems, the only possibility is to use the MSP-FET430UIF at the moment. May i ask why you need to use eZ430 instead of the USB FET?


  • Sure - there are a couple reasons why we would like to be able to use the eZ430.  We currently have the following MSP430 development tools.


    -  MSP-FET430UIF (1)

    -  eZ430-RF2500 (1)

    -  Chronos (with eZ430) (1)

    -  Launchpad (1)


    So, one practical reason for the desire to use the eZ430 is cost.  We already have 2 eZ430 sticks, and there are 3 of us total that need to do development.  Probably more importantly, though, is that we were envisioning using the eZ430 in the factory for programming.  On our initial proto boards, we used a 6-pin header with a straight through cable that connects to the eZ430.  The hope was to be able to use this platform for development, but also down the road for factory programming.  The fact that the eZ430 will already load code just fine makes me think it is doable.  Anyway, I appreciate the dialog and the fact that you have taken the time to answer my questions.

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