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msp430f5438a timer isr vector swap

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I have been working with the MSP430f5438a timer blocks and have ran into some strange behavior.  I am pretty certain I have found the root cause.  It seems that the ISR vector for timer A0 CCR1-6  and Timer A1 CCR0 have been swapped.  The workaround I have found is modifying the msp430f5438a.h file as follows:


#define TIMER1_A0_VECTOR        (49 * 1u)                    /* 0xFFE2 Timer1_A3 CC0 */
/*#define TIMER1_A0_ISR(func) ISR_VECTOR(func, ".int49") */ /* 0xFFE2 Timer1_A3 CC0 */ /* CCE V2 Style */

#define TIMER0_A1_VECTOR (53 * 1u) /* 0xFFEA Timer0_A5 CC1-4, TA */
/*#define TIMER0_A1_ISR(func) ISR_VECTOR(func, ".int53") */ /* 0xFFEA Timer0_A5 CC1-4, TA */ /* CCE V2 Style */

#define TIMER1_A0_VECTOR (53 * 1u) /* 0xFFE2 Timer1_A3 CC0 */
/*#define TIMER1_A0_ISR(func) ISR_VECTOR(func, ".int49") */ /* 0xFFE2 Timer1_A3 CC0 */ /* CCE V2 Style */

#define TIMER0_A1_VECTOR (49 * 1u) /* 0xFFEA Timer0_A5 CC1-4, TA */
/*#define TIMER0_A1_ISR(func) ISR_VECTOR(func, ".int53") */ /* 0xFFEA Timer0_A5 CC1-4, TA */ /* CCE V2 Style */
Timers now work as expected.  I did not see any mention of this in the device errata.  If I am missing something please let me know the correct fix.
  • I think you may have been misled by TI terminology or "naming convention". I do not think they swapped the value of the two in the HEADER file. I think they made you to swap the meaning of the two in your HEAD. The MSP430F5438a chip has 3 separate and independent Timers. One with 5 capture/compare registers, one with 3, and another one with 7. These 3 Timers may generate 1+1+1=3 different Timer Overflow Interrupts, and also 5+3+7=15 different Capture/Compare Interrupts. Hence there are a total 3+15=18 different Timer related interrupts. Which Timer Interrupt(s) do you think will activate the ISR for Timer1_A0_VECTOR? Which Timer Interrupt(s) do you think will activate the ISR for Timer0_A1_VECTOR?
  • OCY is right, you misinterpreted the naming.

    The naming convention is:


    Where y is the timer type, x is the number of the timer of this Type and z is the vector index.

    So TIMER1_A0_VECTOR and TIMER1_A1_VECTOR both belong to TIMER A1.

    It shoudl rather be TIMER_A1_VECTOR0 and TIEMR_A1_VECTOR1, but appending th evector index to the 'VECTOR'  appendix looked a bit ugly for the one who generated this.

    Originally, there was only one TIMER A at most, so the names have been TIMER_A0/TIMER_A1 for the two vectors. Btu when an index became necessary, it has been added after 'TIMER', making things more confusing than before.

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