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Connect MSP430FG439 UART via RS232 to USB HyperTerminal

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MAX3232


I am having troubles in trying to send and receive the same data that I input from Hyper Terminal. I am using 9600baud rate at 300kHz.  I assume that HyperTerminal sends a signal through the RS232 to start the sequence for UART.

HyperTerminal Settings:

I have 3 pins connected to the RS232 which are TX and RX and GND. Is there one I am missing?

this is my code below:

void main(void) {

int i;
SCFI0 |= FN_2;
SCFI0 &= ~BIT6;
SCFI0 |= BIT7;

P1SEL |= (BIT1 + BIT4);
P1DIR |= (BIT1 + BIT4);
P1OUT |= (BIT1 + BIT4);

P2SEL |= (BIT4 + BIT5); // USART TX(2.4)pin55, RX (2.5) pin54
P2DIR |= BIT4; // Output for TX
UCTL0 |= CHAR; // 8-bit character
ME1 |= UTXE0 + URXE0; // Enable USART0 TXD/RXD

U0BR0 = 0x31; // for 9600 baud rate at 300kHz
U0BR1 = 0x00;
UMCTL0 = 0x03; // modulation
UCTL0 &= ~SWRST; // start state machine for USART
IE1 |= URXIE0;// + UTXIE0; // Enable USART0 RX/TX interrupt
_BIS_SR(LPM0_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM0 w/ interrupt


#pragma vector=USART0RX_VECTOR
__interrupt void usart0_rx (void)
while (!(IFG1 & UTXIFG0)); // USART0 TX buffer ready?

  • The connection of the 3 pins are correct ... Check your connection with the board

    TX (RS323) <---> RX (the board )

    TX (the board) <---> RX (RS323 )

    GND <--->  GND

    What board are you using by the way?

  • Hello,

    common problem: Are you really trying to driectly communicate RS232 to MSP430? Unless your controller is capable of doing the voltage shift this wont be possible. You will need a RS232 converter.

    RS232 is differential signal

    MSP430 is single ended

    There are a couple of ICs which will do the work for you, Maxim for example, TI could have some too.

    Hope that help.

  • Fri_coder said:

    The connection of the 3 pins are correct ... Check your connection with the board

    TX (RS323) <---> RX (the board )

    TX (the board) <---> RX (RS323 )

    GND <--->  GND

    What board are you using by the way?

    I am using TS430pn80 Board

  • seb said:


    common problem: Are you really trying to driectly communicate RS232 to MSP430? Unless your controller is capable of doing the voltage shift this wont be possible. You will need a RS232 converter.

    RS232 is differential signal

    MSP430 is single ended

    There are a couple of ICs which will do the work for you, Maxim for example, TI could have some too.

    Hope that help.

    Thanks for the info, I'll look into it. :)

  • Actually RS-485 is differential.  RS-232 uses positive and negative voltages as 1's and 0's while the MSP430 board uses TTL voltage levels.

    If anyone knows of a good RS-232 to TTL voltage translator please post, I am looking for one.  Thanks.

  • Mark Vojta1 said:
    If anyone knows of a good RS-232 to TTL voltage translator please post, I am looking for one.

    Well, for RS232 to TTL you can use a diode and an inverting CMOS gate :)

    But I guess you want to send too.

    The MAX3232 works with 3V (so it matches the MSP VCC) and uses a few ceramic capacitors to generate the required R232 voltages. There are several variants with a different nubmer of in and out lines. The basic model has two in each direction, so you can use RTS/CTS or DTR/DSR too.

  • Mark Vojta1 said:

    If anyone knows of a good RS-232 to TTL voltage translator please post, I am looking for one.

    This part also does RS-232 to TTL translation:



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