I have connected a Modbus slave device to my MSP430F2274 , I am using the UART module. If I connect the slave to my PC and a Master device simulator, it works fine, and then I connect the slave to the MSP430 and it works fine to. The problem is if I turn down the slave and then I don´t connect the slave to the pc before connecting it to the MSP. In this case the the first byte of the response I receive from a request is not the slave address and it is in the second byte, the rest of the message seems to be ok but the last byte is missing. So I don´t really understand what is happening there. I have a baudrate of 19200 but since it works fine after using the Master simulator i think is not a problem of the uart configuration, maybe synchronization of the slave, but I don´t know how it is done.
Thank you in advance.