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I have been trying to develop some simple code that writes 3 bytes to a digital volume control using the I2C interface. I am using the 'B' side of the USCI module. (The 'A' side is being used as a UART. The code for the 'A' side works great! I developed some code using the 'B' side in SPI mode and that works great too!.)
The environment is as follows: MPSF2132 and DCO=1.000MHz
The processor initialization code is:
// Initialize the watchdog timer:
// stop the watchdog timer
// Initialize the i/o ports:
P1DIR |= 0x0f;
// set P1 [3..0] for output
P1OUT |= 0x07;
// deselect the peripheral devices
P2DIR |= 0x07;
// set P1 [2..0] for output
P2OUT |= 0x07;
// turn the LED's off
P3DIR |= 0x40;
// set P3 [6] for output
P3SEL = 0x3e;
// set P3 [5..1] for peripheral fun
// Set to use the DCO clock @ 1.000 mhz:
// set internal DCO for 1.000 mhz
// set to use DCO for MCLK
// MCLK source select (0=DCOCLK)
// MCLK divider select (0=1)
// SMCLK divider select (0=1)
With the code below, I cannot get the USCI to do anything! (It doesn't even send the slave address.)
// WriteRegsDVC
// Routine to write a byte of configuration data and the two wiper control
// settings in the DVC registers.
// Calling Sequence:
// WriteRegsDVC (uWiper1, uWiper2);
// Initialize/configure UART B for I2C mode:
// Configuration settings
// ---------------------------------
// I2C mode enabled
// Transmitter mode selected
// Master mode selected
// Synchronous mode enabled
// 25,000 bps rate
// Slave address = 0x50
// select the device
// clock source select (10=SMCLK)
// software reset enabled
// master mode
// I2C mode
// synchronous mode
// set the clock for 25,000 bps
// enable the I2C
// generate start and send address
while (!(IFG2 & UCB0TXIFG)) // wait for start to be sent
// write the configuration byte
while (!(IFG2 & UCB0TXIFG)) // wait for tx buffer to be empty
UCB0TXBUF=(uWiper1 + 0x00);
// write the wiper #1 setting
while (!(IFG2 & UCB0TXIFG)) // wait for tx buffer to be empty
UCB0TXBUF=(uWiper2 + 0x40);
// write the wiper #2 setting
// set to generate stop condition
while (!(IFG2 & UCB0TXIFG)) // wait for tx buffer to be empty
// deselect the device
I would be very grateful to anyone that can provide some insight into this problem. It really is driving me crazy.
I am assuming that the P3SEL bits should be set to reassign P3.5 -> P3.1 to the peripheral functions. (I had to do this to get the SPI code to work.)
Most of the examples for I2C communications that I have found are not for the USCI and so they are not much help.
WriteRegsDVC (UCHAR uWiper1, UCHAR uWiper2)I haven't digested your code, however, did see your note about examples note being applicable.
There is the Code Function Library for "Using the USI I2C Library" for MSP430F20xx devices. I agree this is not applicable, as it targets a different peripheral, the USI.
However, there is a set of code examples for the MSP430F21x2 devices in SLAC163 that should be applicable and have some examples for the B side of the USCI using it in I2C mode.
This was found on the Code Examples site for the MSP430 Family.
The code examples are a good start to get the USCI initialized and the I2C comm. up and running.
If you need more guidance try 'Using the USCI Mater' - an application report on setup and use of the USCI.
Typo edit: The application report is 'Using the USCI I2C Master' found here.
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