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We had using Microchip make microcontroller in our different projects, now we want to convert into the MSP430 series controller.
I am new in Texas make micro-controller, so pls let me know what difference between MSP430 G & F series controller and which is easily available in india..
We have require following configuration
So, pls suggest which is better for our application and available in Indian market...
Hello Jignesh,
if you are new to MSP430 the following link might be very useful for you:
'F' indicates a Flash memory based MSP430. Gxx Family devices are flash based Value Line devices.
Also, the following link at Wikipedia is a good reference here:
I hope this helps,
The 'G' series is the 'value line' of the MSP430 F series. G-devices have a DIL package option for breadboard examination, are really cheap (below $1 down to 25 cents), have not much ram or flash and a lower peripheral count. However, the peripherals they implement are programmed the same way as in thw F series, and the CPU core is the same too.Jignesh Pandya said:what difference between MSP430 G & F series controller
If you need UART, the only G series devices with UART are the G2x33 and G2x53, all others don't have a hardware UART and require a timer-based software UART. Also, most G series only have one timer with 2 CCR units, allowing for only one PWM (and only if hte timer isn't required for the software UART).
Besides this, the G series devices are similar to al other F series devices from the 2x family.
For biger projects, I recommend the F5 series. These have a higher pin count, lots of peripherals and much ram and flash (e.g. 256k flash, 16k ram, 4 timers, 4 UARTs etc.)
The 2x series also offers some 'bigger' devices. However, the 5x family clock system is more sophisticated.
If you need to directly drive a glass LCD, you can go for the 4x or 6x family. The 4x family is (mostly9 the successor of the 2x family with internal LCD controller, the 6x family is the same as the 5x family but with LCD controller.
To get an idea what features are available (but not all together in the same device) you can take a look at the users guides. There's one guide for each family.
Also, there's a selector tool somewhere on the MSP430 section of the TI main website which allows you to filter all devices by your requirements.
I don't know about availability on the Indianmarket, but I guess, the typical export restrictions are the same for all MSPs, regardless of family/series. So it's all or none.
Thanks sir..
One confusion here,,..
We have select two micro-controller MSP430F2132 and MSP430F2272 in our projects.
For your information we have MSP430 LaunchPad MSP-EXP430G2.
Can we download program in the above mention both micro-controller through this LaunchPad or any other tool require?
Please needful for its and we start our design based on your suggestion.
Thanks and regards,
Afaik, the F2272 isn't available in DIL package, so it won't fit into the LaunchPad. It also has an incompatible pinout.
But the LaunchPad supports writing to many 2x family devices which support SBW protocol, when properly wired to them.
According to the MSP430 FAQ, the LaunchPad officially supports the G series devices, the F20xx, F21x2 and F22xx, which includes th etwo you were asking for.
However, the 'official' tool for programming all MSPs is the MSP-FET430UIF. It also supports different target supply voltages and external supply of the target. As well as blowing the JTAG fuse on devices with an electrical fuse (newer ones have a programmable fuse)
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