We are working on MSP430F5325 using CCSV5.3 compiler, when we build the program we are facing following problems :
1) MSP430F5325 have 64kB Flash, our code size is aprrox 48 KB when we try to build the program we got the below error
errors encountered during linking; "test.out" not built test_project
C/C++ Problem
<a href="file:/E:/ccsv5/tools/compiler/dmed/HTML/10099.html">#10099-D</a> program will not fit into available memory.
Pl find attached error_encounter.txt file for details about error.
2) On TI website we found information about reallocation of FLASH ,when we made the relevant setting about reallocation of flash in the linker file lnk_msp430f5325.cmd the compiler does not show any error and code downloaded successfully but our hardware reseted continuously .we do not understand why it is happening?? There is no hardware problem because we cross verified by commenting some code segment from same code to reduce flash size and our hardware works fine.
.bss : {} > RAM /* GLOBAL & STATIC VARS */
.data : {} > RAM /* GLOBAL & STATIC VARS */
.stack : {} > RAM (HIGH) /* SOFTWARE SYSTEM STACK */
// .cinit : {} > FLASH /* INITIALIZATION TABLES */
.text : {} > FLASH2 | FLASH /* CODE */
.text:_isr : {} > FLASH /* ISR CODE SPACE */
//#ifdef (__LARGE_DATA_MODEL__)
.const : {} > FLASH2 | FLASH /* CONSTANT DATA */
// .const : {} > FLASH /* CONSTANT DATA */
.cio : {} > RAM /* C I/O BUFFER */
.pinit : {} > FLASH /* C++ CONSTRUCTOR TABLES */
.init_array : {} > FLASH /* C++ CONSTRUCTOR TABLES */
.mspabi.exidx : {} > FLASH /* C++ CONSTRUCTOR TABLES */
.mspabi.extab : {} > FLASH /* C++ CONSTRUCTOR TABLES */
Pl find the details in attached reallocation.txt about setting we have done in the linker file lnk_msp430f5325.cmd
Kindly guide us to resolved the problem .