I have an issue with the MSP430 that is puzzling me. I have been through the guides and forums but I’m not finding anything on it.
The issue is around the FET430 programmer. If am using the MSP-FET430UIF programmer to program the MSP430F5529 device in Spy by wire mode (2 wire.)
The configuration is that the PCBA provides the VCC to the programmer.
When I power the board without the programmer fitted, I see the following:
The purple line is the RSTN/NMI/SBWTDIO, the Blue line is Vcore.
The MSP430 powers up and begins running it’s code, I am able to connect the programmer and program the device without issue.
However, if I power the board with the programmer fitted, I see the following:
I have the following observations:
- RSTN/NMI/SBWTDIO sits at ~ 0.5V as soon as the programming cable is connected (i.e. before power on.)
- When it (and DVCC) reaches ~1.1V there is a reset pulse initiated by, I assume, the programmer (or the MSP430?)
- The VCORE comes up but then collapses.
I have powered the board up like this and then manually cycled the reset but it does not recover, i.e. VCORE remains at 0V.
The only way I can recover is to remove the programmer and power cycle the unit.
Below is a snapshot of the programmer cable area of the schematic, I have checked it against the TI recommendations and I don’t see any obvious differences.
Note I removed C895 (2.2nF) in case this was causing issues but this has made no difference, however the ramp rate of the supply (~0.5V/ms) means that the RST input follows the 3V3 quite closely during ramp up, with or without the 2.2nF/47KR arrangement on RST.. maybe that’s the issue?
Thanks in advance for any help.