Could you help me? I use MSP430F5308. I have XT2 generator 7.37 MHz and need MCLK frequency near Maximum System Frequency. If I will use XT2 as a reference for FLL, set D = 1 (FLLD), N = 27 (FLLN) and FLLREFDIV = 8, I will get DCOCLK = 7.3728 *27/8 = 24.88 MHz. However, for produce this frequency, DCO Modulator will mix 2 frequencies Fdco and Fdco+1. The five DCO bits divide the DCO range selected by the DCORSEL bits into 32 frequency steps, separated by approximately 8%. So near 25 MHz step is approximately 2 MHz. So for get 24.88 MHz Modulator will mix 2 frequencies. The first is lower than 24.88 MHz and the second, with great probability, is higher than 25 MHz.
Question: can I use such DCOCLK as a MCLK? Or I will have problems when Modulator will use frequency higher than 25 MHz?
Thank you,