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I'm attempting to utilize an open-source project called UTFT-Energia.
Unfortunately, when I attempt to test out the code, I receive the following errors:
/UTFT_Bitmap_Launchpad.cpp:34: undefined reference to `UTFT::InitLCD(unsigned char)'
/UTFT_Bitmap_Launchpad.cpp:36: undefined reference to `SmallFont'
/UTFT_Bitmap_Launchpad.cpp:36: undefined reference to `UTFT::setFont(unsigned char*)'
The UTFT class is defined in the header file.
Any help getting this annoying error message to disappear would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
The header file is UTFT.h:
#ifndef UTFT_h #define UTFT_h #define UTFT_VERSION 241 #define LEFT 0 #define RIGHT 9999 #define CENTER 9998 #define PORTRAIT 0 #define LANDSCAPE 1 #define HX8347A 0 #define ILI9327 1 #define SSD1289 2 #define ILI9325C 3 #define ILI9325D_8 4 #define ILI9325D_16 5 #define HX8340B_8 6 #define HX8340B_S 7 #define HX8352A 8 #define ST7735 9 #define PCF8833 10 #define S1D19122 11 #define SSD1963_480 12 #define SSD1963_800 13 #define S6D1121_8 14 #define S6D1121_16 15 #define SSD1289LATCHED 16 #define ILI9320_8 17 #define ILI9320_16 18 #define SSD1289_8 19 #define SSD1963_800ALT 20 #define ILI9481 21 #define ITDB32 0 // HX8347-A (16bit) #define ITDB32WC 1 // ILI9327 (16bit) #define TFT01_32W 1 // ILI9327 (16bit) #define ITDB32S 2 // SSD1289 (16bit) #define TFT01_32 2 // SSD1289 (16bit) #define CTE32 2 // SSD1289 (16bit) #define GEEE32 2 // SSD1289 (16bit) #define ITDB24 3 // ILI9325C (8bit) #define ITDB24D 4 // ILI9325D (8bit) #define ITDB24DWOT 4 // ILI9325D (8bit) #define ITDB28 4 // ILI9325D (8bit) #define TFT01_24_8 4 // ILI9325D (8bit) #define TFT01_24_16 5 // ILI9325D (16bit) #define ITDB22 6 // HX8340-B (8bit) #define GEEE22 6 // HX8340-B (8bit) #define ITDB22SP 7 // HX8340-B (Serial) #define ITDB32WD 8 // HX8352-A (16bit) #define TFT01_32WD 8 // HX8352-A (16bit) #define ITDB18SP 9 // ST7735 (Serial) #define LPH9135 10 // PCF8833 (Serial) #define ITDB25H 11 // S1D19122 (16bit) #define ITDB43 12 // SSD1963 (16bit) 480x272 #define ITDB50 13 // SSD1963 (16bit) 800x480 #define TFT01_50 13 // SSD1963 (16bit) 800x480 #define CTE50 13 // SSD1963 (16bit) 800x480 #define ITDB24E_8 14 // S6D1121 (8bit) #define ITDB24E_16 15 // S6D1121 (16bit) #define INFINIT32 16 // SSD1289 (Latched 16bit) -- Legacy, will be removed later #define ELEE32_REVA 16 // SSD1289 (Latched 16bit) #define GEEE24 17 // ILI9320 (8bit) #define GEEE28 18 // ILI9320 (16bit) #define ELEE32_REVB 19 // SSD1289 (8bit) #define TFT01_70 20 // SSD1963 (16bit) 800x480 Alternative Init #define CTE70 20 // SSD1963 (16bit) 800x480 Alternative Init #define CTE32HR 21 // ILI9481 (16bit) #define SERIAL_4PIN 4 #define SERIAL_5PIN 5 #define LATCHED_16 17 //********************************* // COLORS //********************************* // VGA color palette #define VGA_BLACK 0x0000 #define VGA_WHITE 0xFFFF #define VGA_RED 0xF800 #define VGA_GREEN 0x0400 #define VGA_BLUE 0x001F #define VGA_SILVER 0xC618 #define VGA_GRAY 0x8410 #define VGA_MAROON 0x8000 #define VGA_YELLOW 0xFFE0 #define VGA_OLIVE 0x8400 #define VGA_LIME 0x07E0 #define VGA_AQUA 0x07FF #define VGA_TEAL 0x0410 #define VGA_NAVY 0x0010 #define VGA_FUCHSIA 0xF81F #define VGA_PURPLE 0x8010 #define VGA_TRANSPARENT 0xFFFFFFFF #if defined(ENERGIA) #include "Energia.h" #if defined(__LM4F120H5QR__) #include "hardware/lm4f/HW_LM4F_defines.h" #elif defined(__MSP430__) #include "HW_MSP430_defines.h" #else #error "unknown Energia target" #endif #elif defined(ARDUINO) #if defined(__AVR__) #include "Arduino.h" #include "hardware/avr/HW_AVR_defines.h" #elif defined(__arm__) #include "Arduino.h" #include "hardware/arm/HW_ARM_defines.h" #elif defined(__PIC32MX__) #include "WProgram.h" #include "hardware/pic32/HW_PIC32_defines.h" #else #error "unknown Arduino target" #endif #endif struct _current_font { uint8_t* font; uint8_t x_size; uint8_t y_size; uint8_t offset; uint8_t numchars; }; class UTFT { public: UTFT(); UTFT(byte model, int RS, int WR,int CS, int RST, int SER=0); void InitLCD(byte orientation=LANDSCAPE); void clrScr(); void drawPixel(int x, int y); void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void fillScr(byte r, byte g, byte b); void fillScr(word color); void drawRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void drawRoundRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void fillRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void fillRoundRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void drawCircle(int x, int y, int radius); void fillCircle(int x, int y, int radius); void setColor(byte r, byte g, byte b); void setColor(word color); word getColor(); void setBackColor(byte r, byte g, byte b); void setBackColor(uint32_t color); word getBackColor(); void print(char *st, int x, int y, int deg=0); void print(String st, int x, int y, int deg=0); void printNumI(long num, int x, int y, int length=0, char filler=' '); void printNumF(double num, byte dec, int x, int y, char divider='.', int length=0, char filler=' '); void setFont(uint8_t* font); uint8_t* getFont(); uint8_t getFontXsize(); uint8_t getFontYsize(); void drawBitmap(int x, int y, int sx, int sy, bitmapdatatype data, int scale=1); void drawBitmap(int x, int y, int sx, int sy, bitmapdatatype data, int deg, int rox, int roy); void lcdOff(); void lcdOn(); void setContrast(char c); int getDisplayXSize(); int getDisplayYSize(); /* The functions and variables below should not normally be used. They have been left publicly available for use in add-on libraries that might need access to the lower level functions of UTFT. Please note that these functions and variables are not documented and I do not provide support on how to use them. */ byte fch, fcl, bch, bcl; byte orient; long disp_x_size, disp_y_size; byte display_model, display_transfer_mode, display_serial_mode; regtype P_RS, P_WR, P_CS, P_RST, P_SDA, P_SCL, P_ALE; regsize B_RS, B_WR, B_CS, B_RST, B_SDA, B_SCL, B_ALE; byte RS, WR, CS, RST, SER; _current_font cfont; boolean _transparent; void initPins(); void LCD_Writ_Bus(char VH,char VL, byte mode); void LCD_Write_COM(char VL); void LCD_Write_DATA(char VH,char VL); void LCD_Write_DATA(char VL); void LCD_Write_COM_DATA(char com1,int dat1); void _hw_special_init(); void setPixel(word color); void drawHLine(int x, int y, int l); void drawVLine(int x, int y, int l); void printChar(byte c, int x, int y); void setXY(word x1, word y1, word x2, word y2); void clrXY(); void rotateChar(byte c, int x, int y, int pos, int deg); void _set_direction_registers(byte mode); void _fast_fill_16(int ch, int cl, long pix); void _fast_fill_8(int ch, long pix); void _convert_float(char *buf, double num, int width, byte prec); }; #endif
The cpp file is:
#include "Energia.h" void setup(); void loop(); // UTFT_Bitmap (C)2012 Henning Karlsen // web: // // This program is a demo of the drawBitmap()-function. // // This demo was made to work on the 320x240 modules. // Any other size displays may cause strange behaviour. // // This program requires the UTFT library. // #include <UTFT.h> // Declare which fonts we will be using extern uint8_t SmallFont[]; UTFT myGLCD(SSD1289_8, P1_4, P1_5, P1_6, P3_2); // Remember to change the model parameter to suit your display module! extern unsigned short int info[0x400]; extern unsigned short int icon[0x400]; extern unsigned short int tux[0x400]; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("hello world"); myGLCD.InitLCD(); Serial.println("initialised lcd"); myGLCD.setFont(SmallFont); Serial.println("set font"); } void loop() { // myGLCD.fillScr(255, 255, 255); myGLCD.fillScr(0, 0, 0); Serial.println("filled screen"); myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255); myGLCD.print(" *** A 10 by 7 grid of a 32x32 icon *** ", CENTER, 228); for (int x=0; x<10; x++) for (int y=0; y<7; y++) myGLCD.drawBitmap (x*32, y*32, 32, 32, info); Serial.println("drew bitmaps"); delay(5000); myGLCD.fillScr(255, 255, 255); myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255); myGLCD.print(" Two different icons in scale 1 to 4 ", CENTER, 228); int x=0; for (int s=0; s<4; s++) { x+=(s*32); myGLCD.drawBitmap (x, 0, 32, 32, tux, s+1); } x=0; for (int s=4; s>0; s--) { myGLCD.drawBitmap (x, 224-(s*32), 32, 32, icon, s); x+=(s*32); } delay(5000); }
Are you sure that the cpp file that contains the actual implementations of the two functions and the definition of the font is included in the project and being compiled?
Including the header file is only part of the solution - that provides the declarations. It sounds like the implementation is missing.
I would have assumed the implementation would be in the cpp file, where UTFT myGLCD is declared. Is this incorrect?
Also, once you hit the void loop() function, the class (under the name myGLCD) is being used quite extensively.
I also tried changing the UTFT myGLCD to UTFT::myGLCD. I didn't think it would work, but it was worth a shot.
The cpp file you pasted is not the implementation of the class. There should be another CPP (or more) files that provide the actual code that implements the functions defined in the header file.
I was being a moron and didn't include the implementations from the original UTFT drivers.
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