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Greetings for the day,
I have recently purchased the TS430PM64 target board from TI for programming MSP430 micro controllers. But i am stuck as the JTAG connection/communication is failing although the connections all appear to be correct. i have taken reference from the attached manual.
Request you to please let me know who will be the correct person to contact for support on this board. I have received the board but it doesn't have many of the components (as indicated in the .JPG file) like XTAL etc.. so i am not sure why the board has been delivered like this?
Is it to be used like this only or am i expected to assemble the components on this board like C3,C4 etc..
Any help will be highly appreciated.
It should have been delivered looking like this:
The board is primarily a programming socket. It can also be used for prototyping, but since only you know what crystal and other components you need are, they simply provide pads for those and holes for header sockets rows for the rest of the pins.
Thanks a lot for the reply. Request you to please just let me know what all components do i need to solder on this board for sucessfully programming an ic like MSP430
i have soldered the crystal at location LFXTL and two 12pf SMD capacitors at C1,C2 but still the programming is not happening.
You shouldn't need to add a crystal or anything else to use the board to program an MSP430.
First, go get the design files here: and look at the schematic.
In particular, see the note that says "remove R8 and add R9 (0 Ohm) If external supply voltage". That means if you intend to use the pod to provide Vcc to the MSP, you need to swap R8/R9. You can avoid that step if you use an external 3.3V supply connected to J5. You also should make sure that JP10 is jumpered.
One additional thing is to make sure you are placing the device in the correct orientation in the socket so that pin 1 is in the proper location.
thank you very much for the reply, i am trying to do as you have guided but please confirm the below if i have understood correctly-
At present i am powering the board ts430pm64 using the Jtag connector – supply is reaching the pin2 of Jtag connector and i have also checked that Pin64 and pin1 of MSP430 have 3.2v supply. But i have not connected anything to J5. Supply is coming from Jtag to the board. So in this situation as you have told R8 should be open (at present is 0 ohm) and R9 should be closed with 0ohm resistance.
Is the above correct?
And i am not able to see any JP10 on the board.
The schematic is on page 76 of this document:
JP10 should have been J7.
Basically, the pod supplies Vcc on pin 2 (see pinout on page 21 of same document) so you need to make sure that that voltage makes it to the Vcc pins of the MSP430. In addition make sure the device is in the socket correctly.
thanks for the reply. I checked j7 is jumpered. Jtag pin 2 is connected to pin64 of MSP so now i just need to sway R8/R9. Is it?
request you to please also let me know if there are any video lectures or tutorials on MSP430 architecture available on the internet?
RICKY MOHAN said:I checked j7 is jumpered. Jtag pin 2 is connected to pin64 of MSP so now i just need to sway R8/R9. Is it?
You need R8/R9 configured so that JTAG connector pin 2 is attached to Vcc of the MSP. Whether that means you need to swap them or not I do not know, because I can't physically look at your board. But looking at the schematic and your board, you can figure it out easy enough.
RICKY MOHAN said:request you to please also let me know if there are any video lectures or tutorials on MSP430 architecture available on the internet?
You can Google search just as easily as I can.
as of now with R8 as 0 ohm and R9 as open the jtag pin2 is connected to AVCC pin 64 of MSP and also to j5. So as per your last reply i don't think there is any need to swap them but then still the orinignal issue remains that i am not able to program the controller with this present configuration.
And i tried to google a lot but couldn't find anything useful/interactive hence am asking on the forum
RICKY MOHAN said:but then still the orinignal issue remains that i am not able to program the controller with this present configuration.
Well, you don't mention what device you are trying to program nor what FET pod you are trying to use nor what software you are trying to use. All that aside, I think the board is configured correctly.
EDIT: You also do not mention what, if any, error messages you get from the programming tool.
i have sent the images of the software and hardware i am using. Software is FetPro430 from Elptronic and jtag device used is MSP-FET430UIF rev 1.1
Why are you not plugging the pod directly into the target board? Long cable lengths can cause problems with the high-speed JTAG signals.
thanks for the reply but i have tried with that also but the same issue of jtag initialisation failure is happening.
I'm not sure what else to tell you... Are you sure that the pod is good? Can you program other devices on other target boards with it?
thank you very much for your help, i will check out & let you know. But till then do u have any links or resources in mind where architecture of MSP430 has been explained more interactively than the user guide?
Be sure to properly insert the MSP. Don’t rely on the markings on the socket, check the markings on the board. Depending on different packaging, different sockets may have the markings on different places (each supplier does it differently). Also check the MSP itself. There’s only one PIN1 marker (of course), but maybe multiple imprints form the housing process that may look like one.
can some one please help me understand the below code lines -
IE2 |= BTIE;
_BIS_SR(LPM0_bits + GIE);
what is each statement doing and how to understand similar statements ?
thank you
First line adds the bit combination for 18pF internal load to the FLL_CTL0 register. The MSP has internal switchable low-frequency capacitors that can be used to drive a watch crystal. They are not suitable for HF crystal operation. By default, they are disabled.
Second line configures the basic timer. It selects SMCLK as source for BTCNT2 and an interrupt interval of fCLK2/256.
Third line enables the basic timer interrupt
Last line allows the CPU to handle interrupts (like the just enabled basic timer interrupt) and sends the PCU into low-power mode 0 (CPU sleeps, all clocks and active modules remain active). If a basic timer interrupt occurs, the CPU will wake up immediately and execute the interrupt service routine (ISR) for the basic timer.
All this can be read in the users guide for the MSP430F4xx family.
thanks for the reply
is this the correct user guide for learning how to program MSP430F427A micro controllers or are there any better sources?
Yes, that’s it. You’ll find a link to the latest version right on the MSP430F427A product page.
Thank you for the code samples. Could you please also clarify how to understand and build hardware for the corresponding codes?
These are very compiler specific code.
thank you
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