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i am targating CC2530 core(which is 8051) and it is mounted on EXP-MSP430F5438A board.
when i write code in IAR for 8051 and try dump(in CC2530 core) through MSP-FET debugger, IAR showing
below message.
My doubt is, can we dump the code like this..??
If yes, Please suggest some data sheets for this.
you can't flash the CC2530EMK on MSP-EXP430F5438 board with MSP-FET430UIF. You need to first put the CC2530EMK for example on the SmartRF05EB (which is part of the CC2530DK package), and program it there. So unfortunately, it is a bit hard to program the CC2530 during run-time if you are going to use it with MSP-EXP430F5438.
Hai Leo,
Thank You for quick reply,
i have one more doubt, i want to program CC2530 with out SmartRf05 E.Board.
is it possible..?
If yes, Please provide some documents.
I think I answered this in a separate thread.
Still to clearly explain you there are two options:
Option1: program CC2530 separately - using SmartRF boards or a separate connector circuit with CC-debugger
Option2: porgram your MSP to flash the image to CC2530 for which Leo Hendrawan has provided a document.
If you have all tools/Boards available with you then Option-2 is simple, otherwise I suggest you to stick to option1.
There is one more option, write a bootloader for CC2530 and update the firwmare using UART. TI provides a bootloader for CC2530 devices.
Hai Karthikeyan,
i choose Option 1. i am trying to debug CC2530 separate connector with CC debugger. Upto now, i am unable to dump the code into CC2530 using this method.
i update my CC debugger. when i connect my cc debugger with CC2530, debugger showing RED light(i.e No device detected).
This is the connection i made in Bread board to to write the code in to CC2530.
i have one more doubt, CC debugger is connected to P2.2 and P2.1, but in Cc2530 EM is showing P2.2 is NC(No connection).
What is wrong in this..?
Hai Leo,
where could i find this Schematic..?? can you give some reference to download the schematic.
i want to know, where i need to connect reset pin in CC2530 module.
Did you carefully checked the Note 1 & Note 2. Please add external pull-up on P2.2 & since
reset pin is very sensitive to noise please add RC filter as depicted in Note2.
Another point is, connect PIN 9 & PIN 2 of CC-Debugger to VCC of CC2530.
Dont apply external power to CC2530 while programming.
I faced the same issues and CC-debugger was not recognizing the target (the red led was lit), by following the above two rules I was able to program CC2530 on breadboard.
Let me know your results.
Please download That has the schematic file CC2530EM_1_3_1_discrete_schematic.pdf.
If you are using CC2530EM then follow this schematic. Look at P2 socket that has the RESET pin whereas P1 has P2.1 & P2.2.
i make the connections. i check the power connections to the CC2530 and at Debugger(almost 3v), i am able to see in Digital Multi meter.
i check at CC2530 DC(Debug clock) and DD(Debug Data) pin, that point also, i am able to get 3v.
still My debugger showing RED light.
i updated debugger (based on SmartRF studio procedure). after update also it showing same red light.
Hi nick name,
How is the power supplied to CC2530. Did you confirm the connections as per Note 2 that I have mentioned earlier.
Please check and confirm your RESET pin connections.
Are you using CC2530EM or any other CC2530 RF module?
9th pin of debugger i am taking power to hole circuit. P2.7 and P2.9 pins in CC2530 i made short circuit in the bread board.
i checked with DMM at the P1.12 and P1.10 w.r.t ground, i am able see 3.0v. That mean i am getting some voltage to DO and DC.
still my debugger showing RED light.
my doubt is, how i need to check debugger whether its working properly or not..???
Finally i am Using CC2530EM.
Hai Karthikeyan,
i connect CC debugger with Smart RF board at P3 port (i seen proper connection as per data sheet), still debugger is showing RED light.
is it possible to dump the code into CC2530EM using SmartRF with CCDbugger(Not with USB cable)..??
if yes, please provide some documents..!!
OK, so you are not able to program it still. Did you check the Reset Line, do you see it is active while "Flashing"?
I hope your CC2530EB module is still alive (I mean it is working).
What did you see in SmartRF Studio, when you connect your CC-debugger & CC2530. You see only CC-Debugger as "Detected device"?
I have not used the SmartRF EB. But I understand that on "SmartRF Transceiver Evaluation Board" programming RF modules, look at the page 39 in the document on how to do it.
If you are using SmartRF EB, it is very much possible to program CC2530.
Look @ the document , that explains the procedures.
Place the CC2530 on SmartRFEB board, connect the SmartRF EB Board to the PC. Check that you can see CC2530 in SmartRF Studio..
finally done.. i am able dump the code into CC2530 using CC debugger.
Many many Thanks to Karthikeyan and M.
Hi nick name,
Glad that you have made it. Would you mind sharing (others) how did you fix or solve this?
hai Karthikeyan,
Actually i followed what ever you told in this post. More over we need to make proper connections.
i followed this post also.
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