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Good evening, I've been working on interfacing a MSP430 with a Lumex LCD display in 4bit mode. I have what I believe to be a set of working functions based off of what I have read on this and other forums however it does not display characters.
Main (simple at the moment for testing):
For reference I am working with the IAR embedded workbench. Any feedback would be much appreciated. I believed that I might need to add in a delay between the enable toggling during the init() function and also within the sendbyte() function (between nibbles) however that did not help my problem.
Having the waitstates listed in the datasheet between the instructions is very important. Look at the given delays at startup:
And you should also have a look at the required delays for the different signals. Take a scope and connect it to your control lines. There needs to be a minimum enable high time for example. Or the time between providing the data and toggling the enable pin.
Thanks for the information. Are those delays a minimum? For example if I used a delay of 5ms between each (slightly longer than the longest time) will that be acceptable? Or does it expect the information at those times exactly.
I implemented the delays using the __delay_cycles() function using the clock cycle as a reference for the time that I wanted to wait between enables.
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