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MSP430G2 launchpad

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2553, ENERGIA

I am working with MSP430G2553 and TLC5940nt,can you please tell me how to interface both the components.As there is not much information about TLC5940nt .Thank you in advance.

  • Very similar to SPI, though there is no MISO.

    Only 3 pins are needed to input data into the device. The rising edge of SCLK signal
    shifts the data from the SIN pin to the internal register. After all data is clocked in, a high-level pulse of XLAT
    signal latches the serial data to the internal registers. The length of serial data is 96 bit or 192 bit.
  • "... As there is not much information about TLC5940nt . .."
    Did you read the data-sheet?
  • Thanks a lot. As I am a beginner that information was very useful. And I dont have the TI breakout board. can i connect an LED display screen to the output directly.?Is there any resistors and capacitors to be used ?

    Thank you for the information.
  • I did interface the MSP430g2 launchpad with TLC5940nt.

    I am working with HC SR04(ultrasonic sensor).,MSP430G2553 and TLC5940nt. I want to display a message using TLC5940nt when the HC SR04 detects an object.

    P2.1 to VCC

    P2.2to GND

    P2.4 to trigger

    P2.1 to echo

    For TLC5940nt,

    P1.0 to XLAT

    P1.1 to BLANK

    P1.3 to DCPRG

    P1.4 to GSCLK

    P1.5 to SCLK

    P1.6 to SOUT

    P1.7 to SIN

    P2.6 to XERR

    P2.7 to VPRG

    please help me out with the connections and also with energia code..Thank you in advance.


    Vamsi Krishna.R
  • We can not hold your hand thru the hole product design.
    1: Is this a school project, when we will only teach you how to think and we will not give complete solutions.
    2: Is this a commercial product, when allow a budget to hire someone that can do it for you.
    3: Is this a hobby, when start with something simple: a 74AHC595 connected to 8 LEDs
  • As i dint have proper guidance and also new to this area, I had to post in the forum.I needed someone to verify my connections.
  • As you should avoid bit-banging the serial data, but use the msp430 UCB0 SPI
    The pins should be used this way, the others are general GPIO

    P1.7 SIMO (MOSI = master out>slave in: a msp output)
    P1.6 SOMI (MISO = a msp input)
    P1.5 CLK (a msp output)

    Edge and phase have to be set correctly too, TI is pretty much the opposite of Motorola SPI.
    Probably a patent issue and is silly if you ask me.

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