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MSP430 and stdio

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2274



I'm using the MPS430 with eZ430-RF2500. For the moment, I'm only using the USB connection and the MSP430 (not the wireless link with the RF2500). I use the MSP430 in order to communicate with both an ADC and DAC. I communicate with an SPI 3 wires interface. My code seems to wrok all right and I get the SCLK, SIMO and SOMI but when I want to use an stdio function such as printf, the output signals disapear...I don't have them anymore. The problem is, I would like to store the digitized values from my ADC in a file on my PC but it doesn't work since it also uses stdio functiuns...


Is someone able to help me?

Thank you!




Here is my code:


//  MSP430F2274, USCI_B0, SPI Interface to AD7856 16-Bit ADC and AD5392 14-BIT DAC
//   ACLK = n/a, MCLK = SMCLK = DCO ~12MHz, BRCLK = SMCLK/2
//   //* VCC must be at least 3v for AD7856 *//
//                         MSP430F2274
//                       -----------------
//                   /|\|                 |
//       AD7856       | |                 |        AD5392
//    -------------     |                 |     -------------
//   |             |    |                 |    |             |    
//   |       DATAIN|<---|P3.1/UCB0SIMO    |--->|DATAIN       |
//   |      DATAOUT|--->|P3.2/UCB0SOMI    |<---|DATAOUT      |
// ~>|AIN+  I/O CLK|<---|P3.3/UCB0CLK     |--->|I/O CLK      |
//   |         SYNC|<---|P4.5/CS1         |    |             |
//   |             |    |P4.6/CS2         |--->|SYNC         |
//  J. Dethier
//  Imec
//  April 2010
//  Built with IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 4.21
#include "msp430x22x4.h"
#include <stdio.h>

FILE *f;

const unsigned char channel_selectionADC[] =    // 8 channels
  0xE1,                                         // channel 1
  0xE5,                                         // channel 2
  0xE9,                                         // channel 3
  0xED,                                         // channel 4
  0xF1,                                         // channel 5
  0xF5,                                         // channel 6
  0xF9,                                         // channel 7
  0xFD                                          // channel 8

const unsigned char channel_selectionDAC[] =    // 8 channels
  0x00,                                         // channel 1
  0x01,                                         // channel 2
  0x02,                                         // channel 3
  0x03,                                         // channel 4
  0x04,                                         // channel 5
  0x05,                                         // channel 6
  0x06,                                         // channel 7
  0x07                                          // channel 8

//To store values of the amplified signal
unsigned int channel_value[] =                           // 8 channels
  0x0000,                                       // channel 1
  0x0000,                                       // channel 2
  0x0000,                                       // channel 3
  0x0000,                                       // channel 4
  0x0000,                                       // channel 5
  0x0000,                                       // channel 6
  0x0000,                                       // channel 7
  0x0000                                        // channel 8

//To store values of the gain
unsigned int gain_value[] =                     // 8 channels
  0x0000,                                       // channel 1
  0x0000,                                       // channel 2
  0x0000,                                       // channel 3
  0x0000,                                       // channel 4
  0x0000,                                       // channel 5
  0x0000,                                       // channel 6
  0x0000,                                       // channel 7
  0x0000                                        // channel 8

const unsigned char gainmax[] =
const unsigned char gainmin[] =

// convert an interger into two char
char MSB(int n)
  unsigned char valueMSB;
  n = n >> 8;                                   // shift bits in LSB
  valueMSB = (char)n;                           // casting      
  return valueMSB;                      

char LSB(int n)
  unsigned char valueLSB;
  valueLSB = (char)n;                           // casting      
  return valueLSB;                      

// convert two char into an interger
int integer(char m, char l)
  unsigned int in;
  in = (int)m <<8;                              // shift bits in MSB
  in |= (int)l;
  return in;                      

// Print value on the screen
void read_value(int n)
  int value;
  value=n;                                      //read CPU i
  printf("%X \n", value);                       //Display i in hex on PC terminal

void main(void)
  unsigned int data1, data2, data3,i, j;
  unsigned char l[] =
  volatile unsigned char Din[] =            // 16 bits CONTROL REGISTER
    0xE1,                                   // ADDR1 = ADDR1 = 1 for CONTROL REGISTER
                                            // SGL/DIFF = 1 for input channels in single-ended mode
                                            // CH2, CH1, CH0
                                            // PMGT1 = 0, PMGT0 = 1 for Normal Operation
    0x10                                    // RDSLT1 = RDSLT0 = 0 for ADC OUTPUT DATA REGISTER
                                            // 2/3 MODE = 0 for Interface Mode 2
                                            // CONVST = 1 to start a single conversion
                                            // CALMD = CALSLT1 = CALSLT0 = 0 for Full Internal Calibration
                                            // STCAL = 0
  volatile unsigned char SDA[] =            // 24 bits Serial Input Register
    0x00,                                   // A/B = 0 for A register
                                            // R/W = 0 for write
                                            // 000
                                            // A2 to A0 address the input channel
    0xC0,                                   // REG1 = REG1 = 1 for Input data register
    0x00                                    // DB13 to DB0 : input data-word

  WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;                 // Stop watchdog timer
//Basic Clock Module
  BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_12MHZ;                   // Set DCO to 12MHz
// Digital Input/output
  P1DIR |= 0x03;                            // P1.0,1 output
                                            // RED and Yelow
  P2DIR |= 0x02;                            // P2.1 output direction
  P2SEL |= 0x02;                            // P2.1 = SMCLK
  P3DIR |= 0x0A;                            // P3.1,3 output direction
  P3DIR &= ~0x04;                           // P3.2 input direction
  P3SEL |= 0x0E;                            // P3.1,2,3 USCI_B0 option select
                                            // SIMO, SOMI, CLK
  P4DIR |= 0x60;                            // P4.5,6 output direction
                                            // SS1, SS2

  UCB0CTL0 |= UCMSB + UCMST + UCSYNC;       // 3-pin, 8-bit SPI mstr, MSB 1st
  UCB0CTL1 |= UCSWRST;                      // Enable SW reset
  UCB0CTL1 = UCSSEL_2 + UCSWRST;            // Use SMCLK, keep SW reset
  UCB0BR0 = 0x02;                           // Prescaler value
  UCB0BR1 = 0;
  UCB0CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST;                     // **Initialize USCI state machine**

// Initialisation with maximum gain
  for(j = 0; j<8; j++)
    SDA[0] = channel_selectionDAC[j];        // Update of the channel
    SDA[1] = gainmax[0] + 0xC0;
    SDA[2] = gainmax[1];
    gain_value[j] = integer(gainmax[0], gainmax[1]);
    P4OUT &= ~0x40;                         // Enable AD5392, /CS reset
    UCB0TXBUF = SDA[0];                     // Write TX buffer
    UCB0TXBUF = SDA[1];
    while (!(IFG2 & UCB0RXIFG));            // USCI_B0 RX buffer ready?
    data1 = UCB0RXBUF;                      // R15 = 00|MSB
    data1 = data1 << 8;
    UCB0TXBUF = SDA[2];
    while (!(IFG2 & UCB0RXIFG))             // USCI_B0 RX buffer ready?        
    data2 = UCB0RXBUF;
    data2 = data2 << 8;
    while (!(IFG2 & UCB0RXIFG))             // USCI_B0 RX buffer ready?        
    data3 = UCB0RXBUF;
    data2 = data2 + data3;                  // R14 = 00|LSB
    P4OUT |= 0x40;                          // Disable AD5392, /CS set
    P1OUT &= ~0x01;                         // P1.0 = 0

    if (data1 > 0x7FE0)                     // Test for correct character RX'd
      P1OUT |= 0x01;                        // P1.0 = 1

    unsigned char gainm, gainl;
    for(j = 0; j<8; j++)
      for( i = 0; i<8; i++)
        Din[0]= channel_selectionADC[i];        // Update of the channel
        P4OUT &= ~0x20;                         // Enable AD7856, /CS reset
        UCB0TXBUF = Din[0];                     // Write TX buffer
        UCB0TXBUF = Din[1];

        while (!(IFG2 & UCB0RXIFG));            // USCI_B0 RX buffer ready?
        data1 = UCB0RXBUF;                      // R15 = 00|MSB
        data1 = data1 << 8;
        while (!(IFG2 & UCB0RXIFG));            // USCI_B0 RX buffer ready?
        data2 = UCB0RXBUF;
        channel_value[i] = data1 + data2;       // R14 = 00|LSB
        channel_value[i] &= 0x3FFF;             // Eliminate the first 2 bits
        // Write in file
        f = fopen ("valueandgain.txt", "w");    //Open file
        fputc (i , f);                          // Write channel
        fputc (channel_value[i] , f);           // Write value
        fputc (gain_value[i] , f);              // Write gain
        fclose (f);
        P4OUT |= 0x20;                          // Disable AD7856, /CS set
        P1OUT &= ~0x01;                         // P1.0 = 0

        if (data1 > 0x7FE0)                     // Test for correct character RX'd
          P1OUT |= 0x01;                        // P1.0 = 1
      SDA[0] = channel_selectionDAC[j];        // Update of the channel
      // Check to diminish the gain
      if (channel_value[j] == 0x3FFF || channel_value[j] == 0x0000)     
        gain_value[j] = gain_value[j]>>1;     // Divide gain by 2
      // To have a more accurate gain
      // Maximum of 0.5V and 4.5V
      if ((channel_value[j] <= 0x399A && channel_value[j] >= 0x0667) && (l[j] <= 0xFE))   
        // Add gain divided by l
        gain_value[j] = gain_value[j] + gain_value[j]/l[j];    
      // Check for gain in the available range
      if (gain_value[j] <= integer(gainmin[0], gainmin[1]))
          gain_value[j] = integer(gainmin[0], gainmin[1]);
      if (gain_value[j] >= integer(gainmax[0], gainmax[1]))
          gain_value[j] = integer(gainmax[0], gainmax[1]);
      gainm = MSB(gain_value[j]);             // Update gain
      gainl = LSB(gain_value[j]);
      gain_value[j] = integer(gainm, gainl);
      SDA[1] = gainm + 0xC0;
      SDA[2] = gainl;
      P4OUT &= ~0x40;                         // Enable AD5392, /CS reset
      UCB0TXBUF = SDA[0];                     // Write TX buffer
      UCB0TXBUF = SDA[1];
      while (!(IFG2 & UCB0RXIFG));            // USCI_B0 RX buffer ready?
      data1 = UCB0RXBUF;                      // R15 = 00|MSB
      data1 = data1 << 8;
      UCB0TXBUF = SDA[2];
      while (!(IFG2 & UCB0RXIFG))             // USCI_B0 RX buffer ready?        
      data2 = UCB0RXBUF;
      data2 = data2 << 8;
      while (!(IFG2 & UCB0RXIFG))             // USCI_B0 RX buffer ready?        
      data3 = UCB0RXBUF;
      data2 = data2 + data3;                  // R14 = 00|LSB
      P4OUT |= 0x40;                          // Disable AD5392, /CS set
      P1OUT &= ~0x01;                         // P1.0 = 0

      if (data1 > 0x7FE0)                     // Test for correct character RX'd
        P1OUT |= 0x01;                        // P1.0 = 1

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