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FET programmer not recognizing the 430G2553.

After speaking to a support representative and reading the CCS user guide and MSP430 Hardware tools user guide I am still unable to get the FET to recognize the hardware. I have validated that the board is self powered and not FET powered thus VCC is on PIN 4 of the JTAG, Not on Pin 2.

Looking at signals around the JTAG connector (during various operation from CCS and elprotronic flash programmer)


Pin 3 - Signal Present

Pin 5 - There is a significant amount of noise (Over 1 volt) and signal present

Pin 7 - Same as 5

Pin11 - signal is present but only late in the transfer and just a few transitions

Pin 8 - Noise with signal but the signal appears to be slew rate limited. 

I have used this hookup on other MSPs with sucess before, where might I look to see why there is no communication with the target knowing that no signal appears on Pin 1 of the JTAG connector. 

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