Good morning!
I was checking some information on the TI website which could be useful for our project. We need to design a system comprising a MCU+SD storage card. Then, we need to be able to play some music by connecting such design via USB to a PC :)
I started checking MSP430 possibilities such as a SD boosterpack on top of a F5529 launchpad :) However, in the "Starting a USB design with MSP430 MCUs" application report, it is stated that "streaming audio using isochronous transfers is not supported".
I guess this means I cannot use MSP430 for this purpose, but I simply want some storage from which music can be played. Perhaps this "isochronous transfer" feature is something more advanced and does not prevent me from designing this system?
Can anybody share some knowledge with me about this? Or maybe I'm right and I can store information with this system but I cannot play music from a connected PC? Theoretically, the USB 2.0 implementation from TI is 12 Mbps so I guess this should be enough but maybe the problem is not in the Mbps but in being able to forward, skip... tracks :)
Well, anyway, please let me know your thoughts! :)