Hi, I am seeing some discrepancies between the energy and power graphs shown by energytrace. If I understand correctly, the debugger (a new MSP-FET) works with energy measurement, and power is derived from it by deriving the energy information.
I get the following profile window:
Where to me, nothing makes sense. Lets assume that we can trust the test data of 30 seconds and an energy usage of 1.114mJ, which makes sense if you look at the energy graph:
This matches with what I know of my application, the device wakes up every two seconds to do an active operation and then goes back to sleep. And yes, it seems like it used around 1.1mJ in 30 seconds.
Lets try to derive the measurements shown in the Profile window. First comes power, average power is said to be 2.44mW. If we take a load with an average power of 2.44mW, in 30 seconds it will have consumed 2.44mW*30s = 73.2mJ, since as we all know 1W = 1J/s. If we go the other way around, in order to use 1.11mJ in 30 seconds we have an average power of 1.11mJ/30s = 37uW. This is a big discrepancy.
Being the mean value incorrect, which is the easy one to obtain, how could we trust the min and max values??, especially being the min value 0.0000mW?
The current values are obtained by dividing the incorrect Power values by the voltage, which is kind of correct.
It is a pity, because the min/max power values are very interesting even with the 10KHz sample rate, because that is high enough for my application, and they are useful to see the current stress that will be seen by the battery.
Also, the power graph seems to be wrong:
Energy and power graphs have the same horizontal scale. In the energy plot you can see nice regular and very similar energies used in each wake period. In the power graph, some activations seem to be much higher than others, which is not true. And most importantly, the time in active mode is very short as seen from the energy graph (which corresponds with reality) but it is very large as seen in the power plot. This also doesn't match.
So, I would like to know if I am doing something wrong, there is some error on my side to make this work, or any kind of insight into this. I have taken the data during a free-run with 30 seconds of capture. Especially I would like to know what can I trust, this is the most important thing.
Also, any way to obtain the energy plot in a csv or whatever would be very helpful, since then I could obtain a power plot in matlab or python.
Best regards, and thanks for the support!