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MSP432 ADC, current consumption, overheating 72 °C

Hey, i am again xD

i worked a bit with ADC (i need 18 channel input), one pin has with no external voltage always reference voltage, maybe this port crashed?

On other pins, if i take an external voltage and the value overstep ~1,3 V the current increase untile 0,1 A and more, did i crashed the mc ?

Additional i got very high temprature :( i change my source only use _sleep() in main and timer32 Interrupt an i got 72°C, i changed the board and i only got 50 °C...

Maybe some one got some experence with that..

  • >On other pins, if i take an external voltage and the value overstep ~1,3 V the current increase untile 0,1 A and more, did i crashed the mc ?
    Please exlpain what you mean by saying "the value overstep ~1,3 V". Did you apply negative voltages (regarding ground) to microcontroller pins?

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